If you weren’t already aware Guardians, today is your final chance to play some Iron Banner during Season of the Chosen. That’s right, after this week, it’s all over for this season. If you want to complete any quests, bounties, or just pick up some more Iron Banner gear and weapons from the season, you only have one week left from today’s weekly reset. This is your official reminder, and you should not take it lightly.
Season of the Chosen has very little content left to run before Season 14 finally begins. Iron Banner is one of the last meaningful pieces of content we’re getting. After this, it’s just the Guardian Games, and no one’s that excited about the event just yet.
The things to prioritize this week are bounties and the Iron Banner questline. Complete the quest for a glut of experience and some decent rewards. The bounties will also push your experience through the roof, and that’s only going to help you complete the Season of the Chosen Season Pass even faster.
I always find that I grab at least 20 levels if I focus on Iron Banner while it’s on. Picking up Crucible and Iron Banner bounties whenever possible helps to keep the progression going. It’s like you’re constantly doing something practical, which is a rare sense in Destiny 2 right now.
Looking into Season 14, Iron Banner is going to be mixed up yet again. We’re getting more Year 1 Iron Banner weapons, and more random rolls. I know, that’s not what you wanted to hear. However, it does mean that the meta’s going to get mixed up again. That’s always good, particularly when Trials of Osiris is such an abysmal activity.
This really will be your last chance to earn progress and push your Power Level up. From Season 14, the cap is only going up by 10, but it’s going to be much harder to push your Power Level in general. Iron Banner is a great activity to grind because it’s easy and mindless. Sit there with a movie or series on for the weekend and you’ll smash out 20 levels on the Season Pass, and maybe on your Guardian, with no issues.
Let us know if you’re going to be playing Iron Banner this week in the comments.