Last week, Bungie announced that there will be an official Destiny 2 cross play beta between May 25 and May 27. From today’s weekly reset, you’ll be able to participate in this and get yourself a nice little cosmetic reward as a result. While you might suffer from crashes because this is a beta, it’s unlikely that will be the case given how solid everything else is in this game.
Early in Season of the Splicer, Bungie accidentally launched cross play in Destiny 2. It wasn’t something that was available for long, but it was there long enough for Guardians to notice it. Like a lot of stuff in this game, it just sort of happened, and Bungie reacted to it once Guardians realized it was there. It worked, and it worked rather well, but it wasn’t intentional in any way, and that’s why it’s been taken out.
Now, Bungie wants our help in testing out the service. At this point, they’re going to be looking at how Guardians interact across PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC, and Stadia. There will be a special Vanguard Strike playlist that specifically puts you into a Strike together with Guardians from other platforms. While you’re playing, Bungie will be monitoring everything and seeing what works and what doesn’t. This data is going to inform the work they do on the feature, and hopefully result in a much more solid experience when it finally launches.
On that note, Bungie revealed that it plans to get Destiny 2 cross play live in Season 15, though whether that happens is anyone’s guess. The issue with this sort of feature is that it can massively impact the game, causing all sorts of issues. I can already see how badly Telesto will be broken because of it. Probably in the Crucible. So don’t hold out any hopes for cross play actually launching any time soon, it may just take a few seasons to get right. Once it is right though, it’ll be great.
You aren’t doing this testing for free though. Bungie has offered a reward for Guardians who take part in the Destiny 2 cross play beta Playlist. It’s the Emblem below, and I think it looks pretty great. There are some lovely colors and a symbol that seems to indicate some sort of unity. You could use it for anything, but the main idea behind it is that it binds all platforms together.

Let us know if you’re taking part in the comments.