Destiny News
Old Chicago Rears its Head in Latest Destiny 2 Update Blog
Is this where we’re going in early 2022?

In this week’s This Week at Bungie article, Bungie gave everyone a little surprise by putting up a new piece of concept art. It looks like a still from what will eventually be part of a cutscene. The developer specifically referenced The Witch Queen alongside it, and now everyone thinks that it’s a big old hint at Old Chicago.
Old Chicago is an interesting location in Destiny 2 lore. It’s where The Witch Queen expansion was previously hinted at taking place, and now it seems like that will almost certainly be the case. At least, it looks like we’ll be going to Old Chicago at some point, whether that’s the only new location or not remains to be seen.
Many believe that this is the place where the giant frogs roam, and various races have new forms. The city is vast, but it’s also become some sort of toxic swamp. Here, nature has taken back far more than we’ve ever seen in the Destiny universe, and I for one am excited to see what that looks like.
The Witch Queen expansion isn’t out until early next year. That’s a delay that’s been caused by the pandemic, forcing developers to work from home and therefore impact their work. This only means that Old Chicago has had more time to cook in the oven. It may be the expansion that’s had the longest development time in Destiny history. That can only be good.
As for what else this means for the game, I think it’s going to add an entirely new patrol zone filled with activities. I’d be surprised if it didn’t also bring some new gameplay mechanics into the mix. There’s also some potential there for a new element to come into play, some sort of toxic Guardian powers that cause more damage over time.
Bungie is keeping all this very close to its chest, as always. Still, the community has seen a lot of this stuff before and speculated over old concept art that predates Destiny 2. I think that it’s a pretty safe bet that we’ll be going to Old Chicago, and that’s what this concept still is for. Let us know what you think in the comments.