Destiny News
Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer – Secret Exotic Quest May Lead to Pocket Infinity
Pocket Infinity might be returning to Destiny 2 this season.

Season 14’s Season of the Splicer has just kicked off and here I am providing you with an inside look at an exotic coming in the not so far future. Secret exotics are a staple of the Destiny universe stunning back to Black Spindle and as recently as Dead Man’s Tale. Whether you’re a conditioned veteran of the game or a fresh blueberry ripe for action; the idea of a mystery gun excites you. Before we dive into what I have to say I must inform you that everything you are about to read comes from an anonymous source within Bungie’s development team and has chosen to remain anonymous due to not wanting to openly release Bungie secrets. With that out of the way let’s get into it.

My source began their statement by admitting there would be an exotic quest along the lines of Harbinger or Presage this season. The exotic fits certain criteria and was described as a Destiny 1 energy weapon that was defined as game-breaking. What gun(s) fit that criteria? Well aside from the ones we already have in-game, such as Thorn, that leaves us with only a few: Zhalo Supercell and the infamous Pocket Infinity. With the Season of the Splicer focusing highly on Vex technology and learning to wield it, as well as Zhalo’s perk being given to Riskrunner, Pocket Infinity seems to be the only choice left.

Pocket Infinity
In 2014, Destiny launched and with it a slew of exotic weapons and armor. One such exotic, Pocket Infinity, was a fusion rifle that was locked behind the exotic quest Shattered Memory Fragment that randomly dropped from turning in bounties. By the time the Taken King came out the Pocket Infinity was deemed game-breaking. But why? My inside source spoke on this as well. Pocket Infinity was a game-breaking gun and couldn’t be fixed. Why couldn’t the team fix this fusion rifle? My source then states that due to the gun’s damage always indicating it did negative damage it made the gun and instakill and couldn’t be reworked during the life span of Destiny 1. Now 7 years later, it looks as if a second life has finally been given to the once game-shattering fusion rifle.
Are you excited for the possible return of Pocket Infinity? Or would you prefer something else to take it’s place?
Wim van Heusden
May 17, 2021 at 11:37 am
Not really wanting to rain on our parade, but wouldn’t the Vex Mythoclast fit the bill as well?
May 24, 2021 at 9:35 pm
Vex mythoclast wasn’t a special ammo weapon and wasn’t game breaking, plus the informant literally elaborated on pocket infinity
May 26, 2021 at 7:51 pm
The “hidden” exotic is a scout rifle just a heads up
June 1, 2021 at 5:51 pm
Thorn is not an energy weapon, by the way…
Alan Vannieuwenhze
June 22, 2021 at 5:20 pm
We need something new, they keep reusing old content and are not making anything really new that is good, not to mention that they would be adding a fusion when fusions are in a horrible spot.