Bungie has revealed all of the content that they’re going to be Vaulting and removing when Beyond Light finally hits the game. There’s a lot in the list, and honestly I was a little daunted when I tried to make some sort of sense of it. However, there’s one thing in there that is extremely important and easy to explain. The currency clutter that we’re losing.
By currency clutter, I mean all of those different types of currency that we now just don’t use. Bungie introduced so many different currencies that were used for very specific tasks over the course of each new expansion. the thing is, they never gave us anything to do with them once we’d completed that task.
I don’t know about you, but my inventory and Vaults are just full of random currency that I don’t ever use, never will, but I just have to keep them for some reason.
The following is a list of all of the currencies that will be quietly removed from Destiny 2 in November.
- Simulation Seeds (Mercury)
- Seraphite (Mars)
- Alkane Dust (Titan)
- Phaseglass Needle (Io)
- Resonate Stems (Mars)
- Sentry Synths
- Reaper Synths
- Invader Synths
- Collector Synths
- Calus Tokens
- Runefinder
- Modulus Reports (Black Armory)
- Black Armory Schematics
- Ballistic Logs (Black Armory)
- Forge Polymer (Black Armory)
- Obsidian Radiance (Black Armory)
- Chalice of Opulence (And All Runes)
- Powerful Synthesizer (And All Motes)
You have no idea how good it feels to be able to stare a this list and realise that I don’t need to remember what any of them do anymore. Of course, a number of these currencies are also related to activities that are being removed, which is why they’re going.
I’m sad to see the activities leave, well some of them, but I’m not sorry about all of the space that will appear in my inventory. My hope is that Bungie will remove all of these currencies, and never replace them. There’s so much clutter in the game already, we really need some space. Bungie has proven that they can put things into the game that take time and effort without these currencies, so let’s see some more of that moving forward.
Let us know what you think of these currencies being removed in the comments.
Image Source: Forbes