Destiny News
/ 3 years agoRealistically, Bungie Has to Vault Destiny 2 Forsaken Next
There's no other place for Bungie to start.
Destiny News
/ 3 years agoSkull of Dire Ahamkara Needs an Update in Destiny 2
There's no point in wearing it anymore.
Destiny News
/ 3 years agoWhat is Accessibility @ Bungie and What Does it Mean for Destiny 2?
Making the world a better place club by club.
Destiny News
/ 3 years agoOne Guardian’s Destiny 2 Fan Art Was so Good That Bungie Accidentally Thought it was Theirs
It's pretty great art to be fair.
Destiny News
/ 3 years agoThe ever-growing popularity of Destiny 2
Destiny has just celebrated its fourth anniversary and is experiencing a huge surge in popularity. Many ask, ‘Are people still playing...
Destiny News
/ 3 years agoWhat is the Destiny 2 Fashion Magazine Threads of Light?
A fashion magazine?
Destiny News
/ 4 years agoThere are Some Issues With Progressing the Ager’s Scepter Exotic Catalyst in Destiny 2
You've got to think about this.
Destiny News
/ 4 years agoHere’s What Bungie Said is Changing in Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris This Week
Just a little reminder.
Destiny News
/ 4 years agoAger’s Scepter’s Exotic Catalyst Will Drop in Two Days in Destiny 2
Just a little longer to wait.