Destiny News
Is Destiny 2’s Savathun the Tallest Video Game Antagonist of 2021?
She’s one tall hive.

Earlier this week, Savathun, the main antagonist of Destiny 2 The Witch Queen, was officially revealed. She was shown off in a short clip that was also a teaser for the big reveal of this expansion. Alongside this reveal, we got some interesting extra information though. It’s not that we know where she’s coming from, what she’s been up to, or what her secret super weapon is. No, we know her height, and that seems to make her a lot more terrifying.
How Tall is Savathun?
Savathun has been revealed to stand at a colossal 21 feet in height. That’s pretty damn impressive compared to most video game villains, but particularly in 2021. We have to remember that this is the year that the 7 feet tall Lady Dimitrescu came along to rock our worlds, and that she very much did. Savathun might be an alien, but does that make her any less appealing to those who want a big boss to step on them?
To put this into perspective, a house in the UK is generally about 30 feet high. Savathun would stand roughly around ceiling hight on the first floor, second floor in the US, of a house. She won’t reach the roof, or even your attic, but she’s really quite tall.
From memory, Crota was probably only about double the average height of a Guardian. Oryx was pretty tall, but he could fly around. I think most of his height was made up for by his wings, making him feel a lot bigger than he actually was. If I’m honest, I think he was probably the smallest of the Hive bosses we’ve faced so far.
Savathun is somehow even more terrifying now that I know that she’s 21 feet tall. How are we supposed to fight that on any sort of even terms? Sure, we can battle a Worm and an Ahamkara, those things are huge, but Savathun is a hyper powerful witch with all sorts of mad magic at her disposal. No fight with her is going to be fair, is it?
Let us know how you feel about Savathun now that you know how tall she is. Does this make her somehow more appealing to you?