Season of the Lost kicked off last week, and we’ve already had something go wrong. Two things have gone wrong in fact, and they’re both Exotics. It seems as though Bungie can’t catch a break when it comes to implementing new content into its game because there’s always one or two Exotics lurking in the background just waiting to take it down a peg. This time it’s a pair of Exotics that affects both Hunters and Titans. While it’s not going to ruin the game for anyone, it is pretty damn annoying.
Radiant Dance Machines
That’s right, the first Exotic to be nerfed, actually removed, is Radiant Dance Machines. This is a leg armor set for Hunters and Titans, but it’s Hunters that are suffering the most here. The Exotic basically made our dodges so powerful that it wasn’t fair on other Guardians. I can see why that would be an issue, particularly over the weekend when Guardians are purely focused on Trials of Osiris. Let’s remember that this is the Exotic that shone so brightly that it made it impossible to play the game in recent years.
Wormgod Caress
Titans are also on the chopping block. The Wormgod Caress gauntlets have been removed from Destiny 2 temporarily because they add too much power to throwing hammers. This is, of course, a huge issue in competitive PvP. I’d actually love to see this in a PvE scenario and have a bunch of Titans melt a boss, but of course, Bungie isn’t going to let us do that.
Both of these Exotics make me want to see a game mode in Destiny 2 where all the broken Exotics are allowed to function unintentionally. I’d love to see this stuff come into play in a semi-serious situation. Maybe the bosses could also be broken and we could call it a glitch in the Infinite Forest? I don’t know, but I do know that I want to see it.
Let us know what you think of these changes in the comments. We’d also love to know what sort of Exotics you’re running with as an alternative to these ones that have been removed by Bungie.