This is definitely one of the more insane theories that I’ve come across in the Destiny universe. Any Guardian who has played the Epilogue mission in Destiny 2 for Season of the Splicer will know what I mean when I say there’s a friendly Vex Harpy in it. This Harpy helps you out, and a few Guardians reckon that it’s Asher Mir. Now, I know that sounds batty, and you’re right, but bear with me on this one.
Asher Mir crumpled in on himself just as the Darkness took Io from us before all these Pyramids shrouded the places they did. Those places are stuck in the Darkness, and the things living on them could even be dead. Regardless, Asher Mir was taken by it, but now it looks like he’s communicating with us.
This Vex Harpy is sending out morse code which spells out ASSISTANT, which is what Asher Mir called Guardians who helped him. The workstation the Harpy is floating around is also very similar to the one that Asher Mir used on Io. It’s hard to get a real gauge for it because it’s been a while since we last saw him, but the resemblance is there. Check out the excellent report on this situation by Forbes for more images.
There’s also been some lore associated with Asher Mir recently, indicating that he’s coming back or has already come back. Personally, I think that he can’t be dead. The Darkness shrouds stuff, but it’s not a force of death. It’s just another type of life. With that in mind, I can see Asher Mir stuck on the shrouded version of Io trying to communicate with us and help out in any way he can.
If this is true, it’ll bode well with Savathun on the way. Having a hidden ally is always useful. However, there’s every chance that he could just be another pawn of Savathun’s, as could this Vex Harpy. It seems likely that Asher Mir is involved somehow because he has an in-depth knowledge of the Vex.
Let us know what you think in the comments.