Destiny News
Destiny 2’s Upcoming Ritual Weapon Changes are Much Needed
No longer are there specific requirements on the weapon and Ornaments.

Last week, Bungie announced that Season 15 of Destiny 2 is going to have a very different Ritual weapon system to the one we’re used to. For the past few seasons these weapons and their Ornaments, one for Gambit, the Vanguard, and Crucible, have been a core part of my experience in Destiny 2. They’ve been the thing that’s kept me coming back for more. However, even I have to admit that during Season of the Splicer I wasn’t as enthusiastic about completing them as I usually was. This upcoming change is long overdue, and I think it’ll make the whole Ritual weapon experience a lot more accessible for all Guardians.
For those who don’t know, the Ritual weapon is something you had to unlock at the start of a season. From there, you could go to the vendors for the three main activities in Destiny 2 and pick up quests for an Ornament for it. There are three, and each one had a few tasks revolving around getting some sort of creative kills with the weapon, or a weapon of the same type, in those game modes. Some of these quests have been incredibly grueling in the past. While they’ve pushed Guardians like me out of my comfort zone to use new and interesting weapon types, they’ve also felt a little rigid.
The new system is a lot more simple. The Ritual weapon will be gained the same way, but now you’ll unlock the Ornaments gradually over the course of the season. As you unlock more ranks and reputation in an activity, you’ll come closer to unlocking the Ornament for that season for your Ritual weapon. No longer will you be forced to use a specific type of weapon. While that hasn’t always been a terrible thing, I like the change that Bungie is bringing.
What I will say is that the tasks you were forced to complete for past Ornaments made me treasure those Ornaments more. I like my little collection of weapons that I’ve put the time in to earn Ornaments for. It’s not something everyone does, and I’m proud that I managed to get them while they were live. I think that part of that value is going to be lost with this change, but ultimately the change is probably being made because not enough Guardians care about chasing these Ornaments. Making them easier to get makes them more accessible, and that’s what Destiny 2 needs.
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