Destiny News
Destiny 2 The Curse Of Osiris Reveal Stream #2 Recap

The final reveal stream for Destiny 2 the Curse of Osiris is today so we thought we’d cover all the details from the last stream to keep you caught up on what’s coming with this expansion. As an initial note it’s worth knowing that Season 2 of Destiny 2 begins when this Expansion launches.
Bungie took players to a pre-recorded Public Event on Mercury, because it would take too long to wait for what they want for the stream. Mercury features a bespoke Public Event that can’t be found on other planets, Vex Crossroads. As the Public Event goes on the area it’s in changes and opens up, making for a Public Event that’s almost never the same. There will be bosses for the event that drop keys that open up the next section of the Public Event, leading Guardians through each phase.
The event shows off just how different Mercury is to the rest of the Solar System in Destiny 2. There are islands built far out in the distance that can only be accessed as part of the bespoke Public Event, meaning there’s content that might not be seen by a number of Guardians. The rest of the Public event will be shown by YouTubers as Bungie wanted to leave some stuff for players to explore.
A new endgame reward system is also being added as part of Curse of Osiris. There is a Forge where players can bring together items from around the system to craft new weapons in the Lighthouse, as well as a mystery that needs to be solved within the updated social space.
Brother Vance is going to be handing out a lot of things, from gear and weapons and Engrams to adventures, quests, and tasks. In amongst these Adventures are Heroic Adventures that have random Heroic modifiers applied to them and require a Fireteam for anyone hoping to finish, but they are possible to complete as a good solo player.
As part of the Vex Weapons that Guardians can craft they must acquire verses that Osiris wrote from Brother Vance. These act as small quests that players need to collect items for in order to complete. From the Inventory players can view wha they need to get to complete the Verse, and by viewing the Verse in further detail they can see the activities they must complete in order to get the items needed to finish the verse. Once charged the verse becomes a Prophecy Tablet that Guardians need to take to Brother Vance for transmutation. Taking that tablet to the Forge will reward you with the weapon for that verse, of which there is one for each.
The weapons earned by completing verses are themed around Vex technology that’s been hacked into weapons from around the time Osiris was banished from the Tower. This means these weapons look badass because they’re pretty damn old, but also bleeding edge in terms of technology.
Strikes were also a subject of the second Curse of Osiris reveal stream, the Expansion actually has two brand new ones. The introduction to these Strikes has been built into the Expansion’s campaign, but once that’s finished the Strikes will be added to the Strike playlist for you to complete at any time.
Towards the end of the stream Bungie move towards the portal that leads to the Infinite Forest, and enter it. The Fireteam take part in an Adventure that leads them into the Infinite Forest, which is different each time Guardians enter it. Adventures in the Curse of Osiris are themed, meaning each one will have a very distinct and individual gameplay feel. As you move through this area the landscape will propagate, but they’re all put together like Lego instead of in a way that’s been purposefully designed by Bungie developers. Within the Infinite Forest any of the core antagonist races can appear, because none of it’s necessarily real. There are also Vex Demons that are the minions of a Vex AI that’s part of the Infinite Forest.
Bungie head into one of three different endpoints for the Infinite Forest, the Dark Future, but players can also end up in a new form of the Present Day, or the Past. In the Dark Future there is no light from the Sun, the Vex have burnt it out and are the only race in existence in the Solar System.
Image Source: GamerProfessionals