This week we got our first look at Season of the Chosen. There’s a lot to unpack from the trailer and news, and we’re still working our way through everything we’ve seen. Once thing that we’ve been staring at endlessly is the Season of the Chosen roadmap. It lays out everything for at least the first half of the season, so let’s dive into it and see what we’ve got coming.

February 9, 2021 – Season of the Chosen Drops
A lot of stuff is dropping on February 9, let’s check it out.
Behemoth and Hailstone Battlegrounds
These will be areas where Guardians can fight against the Cabal. It looks like it’ll just be on Europa, but we could be wrong. Sadly, I don’t think this is going to be a horde mode, but it’s the closest thing that we’re going to get.
Devil’s Lair and Fallen S.A.B.E.R Strikes Open
Two incredible returning Strikes go live. I can’t wait to get into them. No doubt they’ll have been changed up for Destiny 2, but that original Destiny essence is still going to be in there.
Stasis Aspect Quest Begins
This is the quest that will lead us through a new aspect in our Stasis subclass. This is something Guardians have been eager to get for a while, since Stasis has sort of sat there not doing much since Beyond Light launched. Hopefully it adds something meaningful to the game in terms of play style.
February 12, 2021
The first new Trials of Osiris for Season of the Chose drops on this day. It’ll be absolute carnage I’m sure. There’s some great new armour to earn, but with the issues that still persist in Trials, I’m not confident that the game mode is going to be any better.
February 16, 2021
A new area, the Cleansing Battleground, drops on this date. This will be another area to fight the Cabal in and earn new loot from. We don’t see it being terribly exciting, but it’s on Earth at least.
February 23, 2021
On this date, two things drop. There’s a new Battleground, the Oracle Battleground, and an Iron Banner. I can see these two things being one and the same in a way. The Cabal may be fighting for overall glory as we do in the Iron Banner. We’ll see if this brings us together in any way.
March 23, 2021
After a massive gap in content, this is when the Proving Grounds Strike will drop for season pass holders only. It’s also when we get another Iron Banner. To move from Iron Banner to Iron Banner seems odd, but maybe there will be a point in the game when we start to play the new season.
March 30, 2021
This is when the Proving Grounds Strike drops for all Guardians. I’m not a fan of Bungie locking content off like this, but maybe they need to if the game is losing numbers.
April 13, 2021
Another Iron Banner, nothing magical here.
April 20, 2021
The Guardian Games start today and go until May 9. This is a weird event that will see a statue stood next to Zavala for the rest of the year. It’s well worth getting into, but we’ll have to see how many Guardians are actually bothered this year.
May 7, 2021
Until May 9, there will be a closing ceremony for the Guardian Games. I’m not sure what this will look like, but it does sound quite exciting.
That’s all there is for the roadmap so far. We’ll get more around May I think, so let’s hold out for a little more in terms of PvP content.