Well we knew that there would be a new trailer today, but this is ridiculous. It seems as though Game Informer, who have a history of exclusive content with Bungie for Destiny 2, has ‘accidentally’ leaked Season of the Chosen. While the image alone would be suspicious, there’s some lore and recent news that seems to stack up with this being the next season. At the very least, the image looks to be real.

Forbes has done a fantastic article outlining exactly why they believe that this new season is totally legit. I’m going to go through the details here.
First things first, Guardians are the ‘chosen’ here. We were chosen by the Traveler, and now we’ve been chosen by the Pyramids for whatever reason. Calus wanted to be chosen, and now his daughter is coming to reclaim what he could not take.
Yes, that’s right. The Cabal leader in the background looks like it’s Calus’ daughter, Caiatl. You can see the tusks, which is indicative of a female Cabal, but also the emblem on her helmet matches the one seen in the recent new season teasers. We pointed them out here.
Obviously Zavala is the one standing there, which sort of makes sense since he was the one who fought hardest against Calus. The planted he’s on is Nessus, and the ship in the background could be the one this new army of Cabal arrives on. Maybe it’s the source of a new raid too?
The tweet from Game Informer, which is now unavailable, listed new and old Strikes coming with the season. It’ll be nice to see some old Strikes return, no doubt filled with Cabal. I think new Strikes is a wise move from Bungie. Guardians have been crying out for them for a while.
Finally, there’s also a mention of Cabal-filled battlegrounds. That sounds like a new activity to me. Something akin to a horde mode filled with Cabal. I desperately hope that it is. This is something Destiny 2 has needed since launch.
That’s everything for the leak. We’ll be covering the trailer when it drops later today. Be sure to stick around and keep an eye on the site so you don’t miss it.
Let us know what you think of the leak in the comments.