Destiny News
Beyond Light Race For World First 2020 Detailed
Now we know how the Race for World First 2020 is going to work.

In the most recent This Week At Bungie article, we got the first details about 2020’s Race for World First. This is a competition between the best Guardian raiders in the world. Each Fireteam will be given access to the raid, and they then have to get through it as quickly as possible in order to claim the title of World First. There are also some incredible physical rewards that Bungie makes for this, which only a handful of players around the world have.
We now know that the Race for World First 2020 will be taking place on November 21, 2020 at 10am Pacific. This is 11 days after Beyond Light launches across all consoles. That means the raiders have under 2 weeks to get their Guardians up to the highest Power Level they can before they take on this challenge. This is part of what makes the Race for World First so exciting, because not every raider is at the maximum Power Level for the current expansion or season.
The new raid’s Contest Mode is where the Race for World will take place. It’s going to cap Guardians at 20 levels below the max Power Level for 24 hours. By the end of that time, one Fireteam should have finished the raid at least.
Artifact Power is also disabled, so there will be no bonus levels provided by your Artifact, so 1230 is the cap for every encounter. Apparently being above this level won’t help in the final encounter. Maybe Contest Mode has a script that negates any added Power Levels gained by raid gear during the raid, or maybe Bungie are just absolute sadists.
For the rest of us Guardians who aren’t going to be good enough to complete the raid on day one, there are still some very cool rewards to earn. As long as we finish the raid by December 1 at 9am Pacific, we can purchase a Europa-ready raid jacket. I’m not sure I’ll be getting one, mainly because I’m terrible at raids, but stranger things have happened at sea.
What do you think Guardians? Will some of you be taking part in the Race for World First? Or will you just be watching on like me and everyone else in the Destiny 2 universe? Let us know if you want that jacket in the comments.
Image Source: Twitter