Destiny News
Ager’s Scepter’s Exotic Catalyst Will Drop in Two Days in Destiny 2
Just a little longer to wait.

Earlier this week, Bungie came out and surprised everyone with a new Exotic weapon drop in Destiny 2. Ager’s Scepter is a Stasis Exotic, and it looks pretty damn great. I’m going to be dropping into the game to pick it up because I’m in love with all the new Exotics that have been added with Season of the Lost, and I recommend that all of you do too. However, there’s no Exotic Catalyst for Ager’s Scepter just yet, but there will be in two days.
When Does Ager’s Scepter’s Exotic Catalyst Drop in Destiny 2?
You can start to grind for the Exotic Catalyst for Ager’s Scepter from Tuesday, September 21, the next Destiny 2 reset. Bungie announced this at the same time as the weapon was announced. You’ll have had a full week to pick the new Exotic up in the game before the Exotic Catalyst arrives, so you should really have it if you count yourself as any sort of decent Guardian.
As for what this Exotic Catalyst will do? No one knows right now. It’s likely that it’ll do something to enhance the freezing effect that the base weapon has. Right now, it causes a huge explosion of Stasis to freeze nearby enemies upon precision kills, and generally slows enemies the longer you’re shooting them for. I don’t know how far this concept could be taken, but I’d like to see some sort of ripple effect from the Stasis explosions.
Picture it. One enemy is frozen and then dies. The explosion freezes all nearby enemies, but those with low heath also explode, and the explosions keep doing the same thing until they can’t reach any more weak enemies. This would look brilliant in PvE, and if you could pull off a team kill in PvP, it would be hilarious.
Given that Trials of Osiris seems to be getting good again, I’d say that we’ll start to see more of Ager’s Scepter in there. It’s not the most popular weapon in there right now, but it stands a good chance of being the top weapon if enough Guardians see the use of it and push for the Catalyst.
We’ll report back on what the Catalyst is and how you can get it soon. For now, let us know what you think of the idea of this Catalyst in the comments.