Top 10 Destiny Podcasts

The Destiny community has expanded over the years to cover almost every medium out there, but in podcasts Destiny fans have really found there home. Here’s our list of the top 10 Destiny podcasts that are still running, and a few that you might want to catch up on even though they’ve ended.
Fireteam Chat: IGN’s Destiny Podcast
As the name suggests, Fireteam Chat is the Destiny podcast from staff at IGN. Each week the hosts discuss a different topic, whether it’s about rumoured cosmetics coming to the Eververse Store with Warmind or the state of the Crucible. They also have regular guests from the Destiny community on the show such as MsTeamKK, GernanderJake, and Pope Bear.
The best bit about this podcast is that it’s run by the gaming press. This means that the hosts get early insights into new details coming in Destiny 1 + 2 such as Raid Lairs, weapons, and seasonal changes.
In Crucible Radio you’ll find a podcast that focuses on the PVP element of the Destiny universe. Each week the hosts discuss a different topic with an eye towards the Crucible element of whatever the topic is. They also bring on guests from the Destiny community such as Drewsky and Swainstache, not necessarily streamers who specifically play PVP but big names in the Destiny community all the same. Anyone who really enjoys the Crucible element of Destiny would be silly not to pick this Podcast up with a library of 250 episodes.
The Destiny Reset Podcast is an all encompassing podcast of Destiny, not just the weekly reset. While each week the hosts, AEROKNIGHT and CyborgSasquatch, are Destiny addicts they’re also very well informed on what’s happening with the game. They cover any news that releases giving their opinions and theories about it all, bringing along guests at the same time for some episodes. With around 150 in the library to work through this is a great place for Guardians of all experience levels to get the information they want about the weekly reset as well as any rumblings from the community.
Destiny Massive Breakdowns is a website that contains a number of breakdowns about specific things such as weapons and armour in Destiny. The website’s podcast aims to do the same, discussing weapon and armour stats, tactics, and news every week. They also offer their reviews to specific items as well as guides for activities such as Raids, Nightfall Strikes, and even the more complex quests that net you secret weapons. There are around 76 episodes of the podcast available but a new one comes out each week. Any Guardian who wants to gleam the most from the Destiny universe should be listening to this podcast to ensure they don’t miss a thing.
Rezocast is another Destiny podcast that discusses everything about the Destiny universe each week. So far there are 84 episodes which feature a number of guests from the Destiny community, covering pretty much every aspect of Destiny there is. This podcast is definitely one for all types of Guardians to get into with its wide range of topics presenting a different voice and eye from the community.
Coincidentally there are also 84 episodes available of the Destiny Community Podcast at the time of writing. The podcast delves deep into the changes that have hot Destiny 2 recently, as well as current news affecting the game. Most recently they had Bungie Sandbox Design Lead Josh Hamrick and Senior Gameplay Designer Jon Weisnewski on the podcast to talk about the Warmind DLC and Season 3 changes. The podcast also offer off-topic episodes in which they discuss topics from around the gaming community, most-recently State of Decay 2, God of War, and Red Dead Redemption 2.
Guardian Radio has been going for a very long time, with a backlog of 237 episodes so far. As such this podcast has become a sort of Destiny microcommunity. Each week they discuss the most relevant topics in Destiny, like most other podcasts, but they also cover some of the things they’ve been doing as a clan withing the game. The Guardian Radio Network, as they call themselves, also run Ghosts and Echoes, a lore podcast that works through the history and Grimoires of Destiny, uncovering more detail about the universe as they go.
Focussed Fire Chat A Destiny Lore Podcast
In this podcast the hosts discuss the lore of Destiny, chatting in-depth about a particular subject each week. Over the years the podcast has grown to encompass the lore of other titles. The podcast episodes usually follow the most-recent news in Destiny 1 + 2, but they cover them in a very different way. More recently they explored the lore behind the Warmind DLC, Anna Bray, and Rasputin.
Destiny Tracker is a website we use regularly to look up the stats and perks of different weapons and pieces of armour. It also has detailed breakdowns of Destiny lore and other aspects of the universe. The podcast has 71 episodes available at the time of writing and covers much of the same details about news in Destiny 2. However, this podcast invites anyone to ask questions and even join them for discussions. On Episode 71 for example freelance writer Doc Burford on, offering a new opinion that isn’t someone at the forefront of the Destiny community.
With around 200 episodes available this is a podcast for Guardians to really get their teeth into. It goes into great detail about everything in the Destiny universe, including the new Prismatic Matrix, Season 3 changes, and generally everything Warmind related.
Some other Destiny podcasts exist out there but they’re no longer running regularly, we wanted to mention them here though so Guardians have the chance to get even more Destiny content in their ears.
Ghost Stories, A Destiny Podcast
Let us know how you get on with these podcasts in the comments.
Image Source: Destiny Community Podcast
May 31, 2019 at 8:32 am
Destiny Addicts Podcast
Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
May 31, 2019 at 2:37 pm
Any chance you’re looking for guests?