Have You Appreciated The Hardwood Floor In The H.E.L.M. In Destiny 2?
Look at thaT workmanship!

Scrolling through the Destiny 2 Subreddit can be a dangerous thing. Sometimes you find that Guardians are spewing as much hate as they can about Trials of Osiris. Other times they might be sharing Ornaments for weapons based on animals. This week though, Guardians were all about the quality of the flooring in the H.E.L.M.
If you haven’t visited the H.E.L.M. for a while, head there the next time you load up Destiny 2. It’s a lovely little area that is set to be the main focus of all seasonal content moving forward in the game. However, it’s also incredibly well put together.
Now, this isn’t to say that everything else in Destiny 2 looks rubbish. Just last night I was admiring the quality of the level design in the game’s Strikes. Even the Tower, despite being quite old now, looks great. The person who made the H.E.L.M. though, particularly the hardwood floor, needs a medal.
The community started talking about this flooring in an oddly specific appreciation post on the Subreddit, and now it’s blown up. Guardians have said that they believed an intern did it, but then looking at it, the quality is just too high. If an intern did do that flooring, they need a promotion, because it’s phenomenal.
Then, as you can imagine, the post descended into a little bit of positive chaos. Finding out what type of wood the floor is made of was the main focus of the post in the end. I think we all decided that it should be mahogany, but I don’t know if that’s the definitive answer. Maybe Bungie can weigh in on this when they catch it.
While this is all a bit silly, it does highlight a point I think we should all make every now and then. There are developers at Bungie who create some truly beautiful spaces. Their days are filled with looking at something and making it look good enough that they think Guardians will appreciate it.
Destiny 2 is a great-looking game, and I think all the developers deserve a round of applause for making it look as good as it does. Let us know what you think of that flooring in the comments.