Destiny 2 Filler Content Suggestions For September And October
Getting bored of what Bungie has on offer? Check out these community suggestions.

Destiny 2 Beyond Light isn’t going to be available until November 10th. That’s a massive bummer, but it doesn’t mean that we have to be moping around waiting for it, if Bungie gets their butts in gear.
One Guardian over on the Destiny Subreddit, ScouserSTi, came up with some really awesome activities to keep everyone busy while they wait for the expansion. I’m up for playing through all of these, but they make me hope that Bungie really does have something good to keep us occupied for the next two months.
Rise of Iron
Nope, it’s not the return of the old Destiny 1 content, it’s a mega Iron Banner event. This event would see the Iron Banner return with some big differences. First, it would last for 2 weeks instead of 1. I don’t know about you, but I am desperately ready for that alone.
Next, the even would see the drop rate of Iron Banner Tokens doubled, making it easier to buy loot, and get everything you want from the event.
I love the Iron Banner, and I think this event would be great, as long as it’s a one-off because of the delay on Beyond Light. It’s also a great way to keep Guardians engaged with each other in a multiplayer event.
Powerful Raiders
For this raid, every raid drop would be Pinnacle gear. That means that every run you do in a raid will earn you gear that is guaranteed to be better than what you have equipped, as long as you’re not already at the top Power Level.
The aim here is to Guardians who aren’t at max Power Level the chance to get there in this one week. It would see loads of Guardians getting into raids, making the most of all of them, even the ones that are being Vaulted.
Fashion Week
This week would see every Exotic Ornament return to the Eververse Store, available for purchase for Silver and Bright Dust. Even Faction Shaders would be purchasable. To top things off, Shaxx and Zavala would also offer quests for Ornaments from previous seasons, allowing you to finally get them with the Armour 2.0 changes.
Old But Gold
This is probably my second favourite idea. All the main vendors, including Saladin, will offer the rolls on weapons and gear that they offered in previous seasons.
All of this content is going to be vaulted anyway, so why not let Guardians go crazy with all the magical rolls that have since been nerfed? I think that combining this with the 2 week Iron Banner event would be crazy, and something that all Guardians would appreciate.
I can’t say that I’m too bothered about this one. It’s a week-long event that sees Menagerie multi-drops for a single week, similar to the community event.
Sleeper Week
This final week is just too bonkers. All it asks is that Sleeper Simulant is buffed for a week. I think that since the weapon requires a huge amount of effort to earn in the first place, it’s not too much to ask to make it the most powerful one in the game for a single week.
Let us know what you think of these ideas in the comments.
Image Source: ShackNews