Found Verdict is a Legendary shotgun in Destiny 2 that’s recently made a return thanks to Vault of Glass. Now that Guardians have had a chance to get to grips with the raid and understand it, the god rolls are starting to drop. These are the rolls that everyone needs to have on them if they want to be doing anything close to a respectable amount of damage. First, let’s look at the perks and stats on it though.
- Impact – 80
- Range – 38
- Stability – 30
- Handling – 45
- Reload Speed – 42
- Rounds per Minute – 55
- Magazine Size – 4
Hidden Stats
- Aim Assistance – 37
- Inventory Size – 34
- Zoom – 12
- Recoil – 75
- Bounce Intensity – 25
- Bounce Direction – Vertical
This is where this weapon gets interesting. Since it can drop with a range of perks, there are several combinations that are generally deemed as the best. At least right now. A lot of this has to do with the current meta in Destiny 2, so the best god roll can change over time. However, we’ve got a couple combinations here that we believe are pretty good.
God Roll 1
- Rifled Barrel – Increases range but greatly decreases handling
- Assault Mag – Increases stability and rounds fired per minute
- Full Auto Trigger System – fires the weapon at full auto when holding down the trigger
- Frenzy – Damage, reload speed, and handling are increased the longer you’re in combat
So here we have a weapon that is designed for you to get up close and personal. You can hold the trigger and fire off everything in the magazine and hope it kills your enemy. If you survive, you’ll get a boost to the reload, and you’ll be able to start over again killing more stuff. It’s not a tactically decent weapon because you have to sacrifice your defences to get in close, but it’s powerful.
God Roll 2
- Full Choke – Increases precision when aiming at the cost of projectile speed
- Accurized Rounds – Increases range
- Slideshot – Sliding boosts range and stability temporarily, and reloads the magazine partially
- Opening Shot – The opening shot of every attack has increased accuracy and range
This is a weapon that’s designed for killing Guardians. You’ve got more range and can move about without fear of it swaying off in completely the wrong direction. It’s also built for sliding which, let’s be honest, is the only tactic to use with a shotgun isn’t it?
Let us know what builds you have of this weapon in the comments.