Concept Art
Destiny 2 Dead Orbit Concept Art and Wallpaper

This week in Destiny 2 we’re finally seeing the return of factions and their respective leaders with Faction Rallies. Guardians will need to ally themselves with the faction of their choice and earn reward tokens for that faction. At the end of the week the totals will be added up and the winning faction announced. This will then lead to that faction’s weapon going on sale for all Guardians, but at a discounted rate to those who chose that faction.
In this article we’re taking a look at Dead Orbit, personally my favourite faction and the ones who arguably have the coolest gear around. In Destiny 1 Dead Orbit were a mysterious group the leader of which, Arach Jalaal, would hang out around the Hanger in the Tower. That was before it was blown up of course.
The image above shows all three of the faction leaders from Destiny 1 and 2, but it’s Arach we’re really interested in. Here he looks a lot more dishevelled and out of place, not that his pale skin, bright blue eyes and striking choice of outfit ever fitted in.
Dead Orbit gear has always been the most stylish, at least I think so. The question mark within circles just says something about Guardians, that they don’t know what they are fully but they fight regardless. When you look at the gear it’s all about being well armoured and looking like you have a skull on your face. Honestly some of the best helmets in the game can be found when you pledge yourself to Dead Orbit and get out there and fight some evil aliens.
This lovely bit of Dead Orbit concept art is for the Scout Rifle Guardians can purchase if Dead Orbit win the Faction Rallies event. What I’m most impressed by with this weapon is how much it looks like something a black ops soldier would use. The Mida Multi Tool had a decal that players could equip in Destiny 1 that would change it to look like something similar, but this is Destiny 2 and this is Dead Orbit, so it’s way better!
If you have any problem choosing a faction for this week’s event then rest your faith in Dead Orbit. The stylish gear, the badass weaponry, and the faction leader who looks like he escaped from Destiny’s version of Azkaban all culminate to make what I consider to be the coolest faction in Bungie’s universe.