Things That You Can Do On Destiny 2

When you are new to a game, it can be hard to find something to do. This is especially true if you are new to a game that has been out a long time. But don’t worry, just because things might seem overwhelming at first doesn’t mean that you are out of luck when it comes to finding something entertaining to do. Here are some things that you can do on Destiny 2 that will keep you entertained whether you are a new fan, or an old one.
Reach Legend rank in online play
There are plenty of ranks in online matches on Destiny. If you don’t know what to do, whether you are new or you have already completed the campaign, playing online matches in order to get to the highest rank in the game is always something that you can do. It is also something that will always be fun, whether or not you have already mastered the campaign.
Earn special weapons
This game progresses with you. The more you play, the more you unlock. When you get bored with the things that you have, whether it be weapons, clothing, or emotes, you have to play the game more to unlock more things. If you play the game enough, you can get unique and rare weapons that other people who play the game might not have. This gives you a bit of an advantage when playing the game.
Reach the highest campaign level
There are two separate level sets in this game. You have the online campaign, and the solo campaign. Both of these things have their own sets of levels. If you want to be the true master of the game, then you should make sure that you have the highest solo campaign level possible. All this is doing is making your solo character more powerful against the NPC enemies, but it’s the bragging rights that you are working towards anyway.
Finish all side quests
When you complete the entire main solo campaign, you can work on the side quests. There are so many side quests in the game that there is no way you have already completed all of them in a short amount of time.
On the other side of things, if you aren’t interested in completing the main campaign but still want to unlock cool things, you can play the side quests to get materials and weapons just like you would if you were playing the solo campaign. It’s faster and easier than the main campaign so a lot of people choose this route when they aren’t a fan of the bigger and more committed missions.
Get unique titles
The more you play the game, the more titles you get. What is a title you might ask? It is something that other players will see when they see your character on the online map. Whether your name is “The Destroyer” or “Vanilla Cat”, you have the ability to earn more and more titles as you rank up and level up in both the solo campaign and the online campaign.
Master the solo campaign
This means that you not only complete the main part of the solo campaign, you also complete all of the side quests and level up to the highest rank that you can be on your personal server. This is something that very few players have actually done, However if the campaign is too tough for you, too stressful for you then you should take a break and retrench a bit. Retrench to a place that will calm you and take your mind off the campaign. A good online casino is the perfect place for that. If you don’t want to commit to a big initial deposit then check out the 5$ minimum deposit casinos in NZ. Find the perfect casino site in your region on minimumdepositcasinos.org
Once you have checked out the casino offers you should still try to complete everything so that you can say that you did it when everyone else gave up halfway through the main solo campaign.