What Makes The Light of the Fire Mod so Great in Destiny 2?
Why is everyone after this Warmind mod?

Light of Fire is a mod in Destiny 2 that Guardians are absolutely mad for. Wherever you are, Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, or Reddit, you can’t help but see Guardians talking about this one. Specifically, it’s a mod from one of the early expansions to the game, Warmind. This is a time before seasons, a scary time that almost killed the game. Let’s dive into why you’re all so crazy for it.
So there are two aspects to this mod. The first is that it grants you an extra chance of getting enemies to drop a Warmind Cell if you kill them with a Seventh Seraph weapon. That’s important because you can then blow up those Warmind Cells to deal additional damage. It’s a tactic that you might not have come across too often, but it’s starting to become more prevalent. If you’ve ever seen a big orange ball drop from an enemy when it dies, someone probably has this mod.
The second aspect of this mod plays into the Warmind Cells. If you rapidly defeat enemies with the detonation of a Warmind Cell, then you’ll generate an Orb of Light. That’s important if you’re in any activity. An Orb of Light can be the difference between getting your Super, activating an Exotic piece of armor, or any other combination of things.
There are a lot of Guardians after this mod because of how powerful it is. It provides a tangible result that you can track and watch unfold before your very eyes. That’s not something that most mods provide. Usually, they just give you a small benefit that you’ll never be able to notice. Something that you probably wouldn’t even know was there unless the mod was there in your inventory to remind you.
There are more Guardians in Destiny 2 now than ever before. Those Guardians are constantly chasing to be the best they possibly can be. Mods like this can make a huge difference in a very small detail, and that’s where the top-level Guardians define themselves.
Keep an eye out for this one. It pops up on sale every now and then. You never know, it might be yours one day very soon. Especially with those vendor changes coming up.