Destiny 2 Season Of The Chosen Day One Checklist
Be prepared for Seasons of the Chosen with these items.

Today, as of the weekly reset, Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen is going to go live. This will see the brand new season drop for all Guardians, kicking off a few months of brand new content. With that in mind, we’ve put together this checklist of things that you might want to think about and do to make sure you’re totally ready for everything the season has to offer.
1 – Leave Your Console In Rest Mode
We don’t know what console you have, it doesn’t really matter. If you’re playing on PC, Xbox, or PlayStation, then leave your console in rest mode. This will allow it to download all the updates issued by Bungie without you needing to think about turning it on. That way, you can turn on your console when you can play, and hopefully, jump straight into the new season.
2 – Follow All The Seasonal Missions
The start of a new season always comes with a few new missions or quests from Vendors. Make sure that you pick all of these up. There’s no sense in waiting until the weekend, just get them in your inventory so you can start working through them all. This will include missions to take on the new Strikes obviously, which is something that we should all be very excited about.
3 – Upgrade Your Stasis
As of today, Stasis Aspect quests will be available. This will allow you to upgrade your subclass, so make sure you get on these as soon as you can. It’s an intrinsic part of who your Guardian is, and you don’t want that to get left behind with all the other stuff you’re doing.
4 – Take To The Battlegrounds
By far the most exciting piece of content coming to Destiny 2 is the new Battlegrounds. We can’t wait to see what these entail, but we won’t have a clue what they look like until we get them. Be warned, we doubt these will be a horde mode of any kind, but they’ll definitely be entertaining.
Those are the four key things that you need to be thinking about with Season of the Chosen dropping today. Make sure you follow everything, and you should be good to go by the time you can play again. Let us know your plans in the comments.