Pain And Gain Exotic Quest Guide | Riskrunner Plus Exotic Catalyst
Get Riskrunner and its Exotic Catalyst in no time at all with out Exotic quest guide.

If you’re looking for a quest that’s fairly rewarding, and won’t take you too long, Pain and Gain is it. It’s all about getting into the world of Destiny 2, but also something nice for those who like to collect everything they possibly can in the game.
Step 1 – Joy In Suffering
To pick up the quest, you need to visit Banshee-44. After you have it, you’ll need to compete three different activities. First is a Lost Sector in the EDZ, not massively challenging for any Guardian. Just head to the EDZ and pick the Lost Sector you fancy completing. Maybe do one you haven’t just so you can tick it off?
The next activity is any Heroic Public Event. Public Events are everywhere, and you’ll most likely come across one whilst on the EDZ. Complete that, and then move onto the only real challenge for this quest step.
The final activity is a Nightfall Strike. These were much harder without matchmaking, but now it’s there, you can team up with a few Guardians and get going. The only trouble you might have is a lack of Power Level. If that’s the case, earn some more, and come back later.
Step 2 – Risk/Reward
This step of the quest takes you to the Cosmodrome, where you need to kill a Devil Walker. This is the area that you remember from Destiny 1, and Destiny 2 New Light Guardians will work through on their way to collect their ship.
Kill all three Fallen Captains, then the Walker, and you’ll be fine. Get through the now open door, and complete the jumping puzzle that you’ll be presented with.
At the end of the jumping puzzle, you’ll find a table with a picture of a chicken on it. Collect your new weapon, Riskrunner, and destroy the Fallen that then start to assault you.
Step 3 – Return Home
All you need to do now is head back to the Tower and speak to Banshee-44. He’ll just have a chat with you about Cayde-6, and you should now have your Riskrunner plus its Exotic Catalyst.
Sounds easy right? that’s because it is. Even if you only have one evening a week to play Destiny 2, this is a quest worth doing. There’s a limited challenge, but there’s also a pretty great reward.
Let us know how you get on in the comments.
Image Source: YouTube