Destiny News
There are Some Issues With Progressing the Ager’s Scepter Exotic Catalyst in Destiny 2
You’ve got to think about this.

If you’re looking forward to grabbing the Exotic Catalyst for Ager’s Scepter, be aware that there are a few glitches with actually progressing it. As with every Exotic, you can push this one to a new level by progressing it through kills. Apparently, certain things will make this faster, but it’s become apparent that some glitches are preventing the progression from working as Bungie intended. In this article, we’ve covered everything that we know to be wrong with the Catalyst right now.
First, breaking destructible walls will not advance your progress. Don’t bother trying to do this, because you’re better off picking up kills and slowly advancing it over doing this nonsense. While you might need to do it for other reasons this season, don’t do it specifically to advance your Exotic Catalyst because it’s a lost cause right now.
Second, Ager’s Scepter’s Exotic Catalyst seems to be dropping on most Guardian’s first attempts at acquiring it. This isn’t necessarily an issue, but it feels like it’s an unintended benefit. Expect this to change moving forward, because this is a brand new Exotic that Bungie likely wants to make a bit rarer. If it’s intentional, it’s full on ridiculous that it’s easier to get this Catalyst than it is to get Vex Mythoclast.
The third and final glitch we’ve seen reported is to do with the completion of the Ager’s Scepter Exotic Catalyst. It turns out that completion triggers at around 90%, but you won’t be told. Instead, you’ve got to go into the menu and collect your rewards from the Triumphs and other associated awards there. This will ensure you get your ship and all the benefits from your weapon that you need.
It’s not surprising to see a new weapon break like this in Destiny 2. To be honest, it’s still better than Telesto is doing, so I think Bungie will take it as a win that the beam from this Trace Rifle doesn’t just end the universe. Let us know if you’ve come across these issues in the comments. We’re curious to see just how widespread they are, or not, as the case might possibly be.