Destiny News
The Countdown To The End Of Season Of The Worthy
After last week’s reset, we got a brand new Seraph Bunker to climb around in and upgrade as The Almighty makes its way towards the Last City on Earth. But we also got a new way to track the ending of Season of the Worthy, and it’s a little bit terrifying.

After last week’s reset, we got a brand new Seraph Bunker to climb around in and upgrade as The Almighty makes its way towards the Last City on Earth. But we also got a new way to track the ending of Season of the Worthy, and it’s a little bit terrifying.
As first reported by Forbes, the most recent Seraph Bunker to open, Io, has a map within that shows the solar system. Now, all this is supposed to be part of watching The Almighty come crashing towards Earth, but there really is a bigger part to the whole map, the Darkness.

You can see the Darkness Pyramids off to the left and right in the image above. We’ve known for a while that these ships were lurking at the edge of the system. The Traveler notified them of its presence when it opened up to kill Ghaul at last in the main campaign.
Whether these ships are simply sat their waiting to see what happens, or waiting for reinforcements, we do not know. They might be hanging around to see whether or not Rasputin manages to take down The Almighty before it smashes into Earth, and the Traveler. This would make sense, since the Traveler may be all that’s keeping them at bay.
Equally, these ships could be standing by to wait for Rasputin to be distracted. If the Warmind is focusing on something else, then they could move in and start doing whatever they please with little to no retaliation from it.
It will be interesting to see how these ships move as the season goes on. We’ve never seen them in the game this close to us before. We know from the end of Shadowkeep that they’re some sort of darker version of Guardians, but we have no idea what that means.
The next question will be how Bungie moves the story forward. They could push a new season out to pad things a bit before an expansion later in the year, but it doesn’t seem like they can afford to do that.
Guardians are growing tired of the seasonal progression formula. It requires you to dedicate a lot more time to playing, and for some Guardians that isn’t an option. It’s also causing many Guardians to simply give up, because there’s no way they can ever hope to acquire everything in a season.
Let us know what you think is going to happen in the comments.
Image Source: Forbes
April 13, 2020 at 1:41 pm
Your last paragraph is more true than Bungie wants to admit. Sad. Here we all are sitting at home and this game just gets more boring and repetitive. All my friends are playing Division or Call of Duty or awaiting the new Final Fantasy. I went back the other day and play Destiny 1 for the better music and thrill of what was a great game with a good story.