Destiny News
The Cabal are done playing games in Destiny 2: Season Of The Worthy
Wow. It’s been a pretty exciting few weeks. We’ve finished the empyrean foundation, got a glimpse of Trials Of Osiris, and then to top it all off we got a brand new trailer for Season Of The Worthy. Season 10 looks to shake up the world of Destiny in a new way, and that’s what we’ll be diving into today.

Can’t stay away
Wow. It’s been a pretty exciting few weeks. We’ve finished the empyrean foundation, got a glimpse of Trials Of Osiris, and then to top it all off we got a brand new trailer for Season Of The Worthy. Season 10 looks to shake up the world of Destiny in a new way, and that’s what we’ll be diving into today.
The Cabal are back…….. again
To almost nobody’s surprise, the Cabal are back at it again in season 10, and this time they’re done playing games. With the psion flayers defeated in season 9, they have officially been kicked around one too many times. One of the psions has directed the Almighty, the sun destroying ship from Destiny 2’s vanilla campaign, to directly collide with the last city. A collision with an object as massive as the Almighty would completely destroy the last city, so it’s up to us to stop it.

Ana Bae returns
From the looks of the trailer, we’ll be working with everyone’s favorite Mars chick Ana Bray. Zavala also looks to play a role in the story, and honestly, I hope Bungie gives us a reason to like Zavala again. He hasn’t done too much since Warminds’ campaign, so it’ll be nice to see him in action once again.

Seasonal armor and weapons
As always, we have a host of new weapons and armor to chase throughout this season. The seasonal armor, in particular, has drawn some attention from the community, especially the hunter cloak, for being SUPER Russian. I mean come on, look at that Soviet Union hat on the hunter. It looks so cool and I’m excited to represent the Mother Lands next season. Along with the seasonal armor, we also got a look at a couple of seasonal weapons that will no doubt be earned in the new PVE activity, the Seraph Towers. From the looks of it, I’d guess we’re getting a sidearm, an auto rifle, a hand cannon, and a scout rifle.

New Exotics
Oh boy. Another season, another host of new exotics to chase. We only got a glimpse of a couple of them, but one of the big standouts is the Tommy’s Matchbook, a brand new exotic auto rifle that resembles a Tommy gun. This is, in fact, the new seasonal exotic that can be earned at level 1 for premium battle pass owners and level 35 for free to play players. We also got a glimpse of the Fourth Horseman, a returning Destiny 1 exotic that was a beast of a weapon back in the days of D1. I still reminisce about the days when I would jump into nightfalls with arc burn and melt away at bosses with the Fourth Horseman. Good times. You’ll be able to earn this returning Shotgun through a quest at some point during the season.

The Seasonal Artifact
Arguably the biggest disappointment of this reveal was the realization that the sword teased last week isn’t even a sword we can use, it’s, in fact, the season 10 artifact. While we have no idea what mods will be on it, we can assume solar battery will make an appearance, as well as brand new anti barrier and disruptor rounds.

That’s about it for today’s roundup of news. We’ll be getting some more info on Thursday with Bungie’s TWAB, so i’ll be sure to report back what they tell us. Season Of The Worthy releases March 10th.