Destiny News
Here’s What Bungie Said is Changing in Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris This Week
Just a little reminder.

Last week, Bungie outlined just how well the first week of the new version of Trials of Osiris had done. Guardian numbers soared, and we even got a fancy chart in the This Week At Bungie article. Then, Bungie explained the changes that would be coming the following weekend, so last weekend to you at this point. Those changes haven’t been discussed by the developer yet, but they were far more controversial than the initial bout of changes that were made. Finally, we also got a glimpse of what would be changing this week. Bungie probably has a few more changes up its sleeve, but right now I’m going to remind you of what was said last week.
The big news from last week is that this week will see Trials Lab come to the game. We even know what this week’s Trials Lab will be, Capture Zone Trials. This is a unique version of Trials of Osiris that will change up how you play and how you get to go flawless. I think the idea is to give all Guardians a chance at getting through the activity, and playing in a new type of way is perfect. I absolutely love Capture as a Crucible mode, so this is right up my alley.
The change with this Trials Lab mode is that Special Ammo replenishment upon revive is disabled, so there’s no point in dying to get more. You will, however, still get Special Ammo by killing other Guardians, or by starting a new round. The other thing that’s changing is that the matchmaking counter is being removed. All this means is that you won’t be able to see how many Guardians are in the matchmaking queue at the time, but you will be told when they’re added. I think this is one way in which Bungie wants to prevent Guardians quitting too early if a match doesn’t have enough Guardians, or maybe too many.
There will also be a small fix that lets you Masterwork weapons from Saint-14’s rank rewards again.
The main message from the Trials of Osiris revamp has been that Bungie is watching. The developer wants to make it the best it possibly can be, but ut can’t do that if Guardians don’t play. That’s why we’re getting new ways to play and the changes are being implemented to make the mode more fun, not more restrictive.
Let us know if you’re looking forward to playing Trials of Osiris this weekend in the comments.