Destiny News
Destiny 2 Vault of Glass World First Fail Shows Why you Shouldn’t Have a Rude Username
Imagine losing your World First title over your username.

Over the weekend, Guardians fought it out to become the first fireteam to finish Vault of Glass. The raid had a Contest Mode available for 24 hours, but Bungie has now confirmed that it’s received a list of those who finished it first. Those will be the Guardians to claim the raid belt, and possibly ring. For one of them though, this could be the end of their journey in Destiny 2. All for the sake of something stupid. A rude username.
There’s no defending the username. I won’t be writing out here. It’s insensitive, and while the Guardian using it might be trying to be funny, they’ve completely missed the mark. I suspect that they’re actually a streamer who had a donation to change their username and this ended up being it by the time they finished the raid. A terrible turn of events for them since I don’t see Bungie unbanning them now.
Bungie is a developer that is incredibly passionate about its community. As such, it wants to keep them safe, and monitoring usernames is just one way that’s easy to do that. When this name pops up on the World First roster, the Guardian might still get a World First reward, but they won’t be able to play Destiny 2 anymore. I can’t imagine anything worse. If you get through that raid first and then have to restart Destiny 2 from scratch on an account without any of the progress you’ve already made, you may as well give up.
To those who achieved World First without a terrible username, congratulations. This is a serious achievement. Thousands of Guardians compete for this event every new raid, and only one fireteam gets to win it. I think that it’s always good to see the community come together like this. Let this instance of absolute stupidity stay in your head and keep you away from doing something similar. Better yet, point out to any other Guardians when their usernames aren’t above board. We could all do with making this community a little bit safer for everyone, and this is a small way in which we can.
Let us know if you tried for World First in the comments.