Destiny News
Bungie Is Putting Employees First In Wake Of Coronavirus
As the coronavirus spreads, forcing some areas of the US to declare a state of emergency, many businesses are being encouraged to allow their employees to work from home. Bungie is one of the businesses that’s actively doing this, but they’re insisting that the launch of Season of the Worthy will be unaffected by the change in working environment for the foreseeable future.

As the coronavirus spreads, forcing some areas of the US to declare a state of emergency, many businesses are being encouraged to allow their employees to work from home. Bungie is one of the businesses that’s actively doing this, but they’re insisting that the launch of Season of the Worthy will be unaffected by the change in working environment for the foreseeable future.
Work From Home
In a recent statement Bungie explained that they’ve been keeping an eye on the coronavirus outbreak from the very beginning. The studio has staff all around the world, so it never mattered when the virus made it to the US, the company were always in the firing line. Now that the coronavirus has made it to the area around Bungie’s HQ, Seattle in the US, they’ve instigated a working from home policy.
Bungie has actually been working on allowing employees to continue their day-to-day life within the company from home, meaning that development of Destiny 2 doesn’t need to stop. The infrastructure they now have in place is a new venture in many ways, it’s not something that they’ve ever had to figure out before. It’s a brand new way of developing, but it has been designed to allow employees to continue building updates, work on regular maintenance patterns, and launch a whole new season for the game.
The next few weeks are going to be very interesting for Bungie. If everything goes well, the launch of Season of the Worthy, and Trials of Osiris within the same week, will be totally fine. There’s always a chance things could go wrong, but I’m willing to take that chance for the health and safety of the people working on the game I love.
The coronavirus isn’t a joke, it can make you really sick. Bungie is protecting their employees, which might not have been something they could have put into place under Activision. An independent developer making this move is really great to see. Hopefully it will encourage other game developers and businesses to follow suit.
If you get hit by the virus and have to stay home, there’s nothing better to do than play Destiny 2 all day. You’ll feel awful if you catch it, but at least you can grind out a few more Exotics. Let us know your thoughts on Bungie’s policy on the coronavirus in the comments.
Image Source: Learn With Ashik