Is The Fourth Horseman The Best Exotic Shotgun?
Bungie brought The Fourth Horseman back with Season of the Worthy. to grab it you need to complete the Exotic quest, but once you’ve done that, it’s yours. But is it worth your time? That’s what we’re going to find out now.

Bungie brought The Fourth Horseman back with Season of the Worthy. to grab it you need to complete the Exotic quest, but once you’ve done that, it’s yours. But is it worth your time? That’s what we’re going to find out now.
First, let’s take a look at the stats and perks on The Fourth Horseman, as per Destiny 2 DB, then we’ll dive into the comparison.
- Impact – 80
- Range – 30
- Stability – 50
- Handling – 40
- Reload Speed – 42
- Rounds Per Minute – 320
- Magazine – 4
Hidden Stats
- Aim Assistance – 39
- Inventory Size – 0
- Recoil Direction – 63
- Zoom – 12
- Intrinsic perk: Thunderer – Significantly increases the weapon’s rate of fire.
- Broadside – Each successive shot has a wider spread and deals more damage.
- Assault Mag – Greatly increases stability, increases rate of fire.
- fitted Stock – Increases stability, moderately controls recoil, slightly decreases handling speed.
There are now five Exotic Shotguns in Destiny 2, and they’re all good in their own rights. But are they better than The Fourth Horseman?
Tractor Cannon is a pretty great Shotgun, but it’s more of a gimmick. It’s good if you’re used to the method of shooting it, swapping weapons, and quickly killing your enemy. Otherwise it’s just fun for YouTube videos.
Legend Of Acrius is another great Shotgun, but it’s Intrinsic perk doesn’t put it ahead of The Fourth Horseman. It can fire a strong Arc blast, but with The Fourth Horseman you have a Shotgun that will completely destroy some Strike bosses.
Lord of Wolves is almost on the same level as The Fourth Horseman. It allows you to hold and charge up a shot that will deal significant damage, but it’s just too slow to be better.
Finally, we have The Chaperone. This is a Shotgun that’s great for those with the best aim in Destiny 2. If you land a precision kill, you get an overall weapon buff, but the chances of doing that are slim for the majority of us.
It’s a subjective verdict, but looking at all Exotic Shotguns as a whole, The Fourth Horseman is the best. It allows you to deal the most damage with the least skill. Every other Exotic Shotgun needs some level of skill to be used effectively, making them better for certain types of Guardian. Overall though, this is the best Exotic Shotgun you can have in Destiny 2 right now.