Season of the Splicer bought a lot of great stuff to Destiny 2. Some of that stuff was new content, never before seen in Destiny 2. Some of it, however, was stuff that we’ve actually seen before. Included in the returning content is Hung Jury SR4, a Legendary scout rifle that’s becoming a firm favorite among the Guardian community. However, it’s important to know which rolls to chase with any weapon, which is why we’ve put together this article containing a couple to look out for. First though, let’s jump into the stats on this thing.
- Impact – 62
- Range – 63
- Stability – 60
- Handling – 47
- Reload Speed – 51
- Rounds per Minute – 180
- Magaine – 19
Hidden Stats
- Aim Assistance – 67
- Inventory Size – 60
- Recoil Direction – 75
- Zoom – 22
As you can see, these aren’t exactly terrible. In fact, they’re pretty damn great. For a Legendary weapon to look this good on its own without any of its perks taken into consideration, you know you’re onto a winner. As you should also know, the perks on this thing are random. That makes it harder to get the god rolls you might be after, but if you keep an eye out then you might be able to get one of the following.
Hung Jury SR4 God Roll 1
- Corkscrew Rifling – Slightly increased range, stability, and handling speed
- Tactical Mag – Increased stability, reload speed, and magazine size
- Subsistence – Defeating targets will partially reload the magazine from your reserves
- Firefly – Increases reload speed and causes an explosion around your enemy that will damage others
This roll is definitely more focused on the PvE side of things, but there’s nothing stopping you from bringing it into the Crucible either. It’s certainly not built for the speed you need in the PvP arena, but you could definitely get a couple of good kills in with it. The real benefit is going to be in raids and strikes, where dozens of enemies are descending on you at once.
Hung Jury SR4 God Roll 2
- Smallbore – Increases range and stability
- Accurized Rounds – Increases range
- Moving Target – Increased target acquisition and movement speed while aiming down sights
- Explosive Payload – Projectiles detonate and cause a AoE damage to enemies
This is the PvP focused build. It’s got a lot of accuracy and a big speed boost because Guardians don’t ever stop moving. This is the weapon you want to take into Trials of Osiris because you can nail an enemy as they turn a corner. You could also make this work quite well in Gambit, because it’s got a good balance for the PvEvP focus there, and that’ll make it so much easier to win against your opponents.
Let us know if you have any build ideas, or if you get one of these, in the comments.