Buy The Best Shader From Eververse Right Now
You can purchase what is easily the best Shader in Destiny 2 to date right now from Eververse. But you need to buy it quickly because it’s going to disappear with the weekly reset.

You can purchase what is easily the best Shader in Destiny 2 to date right now from Eververse. But you need to buy it quickly because it’s going to disappear with the weekly reset.
Eververse is currently selling the best Shader in Destiny 2, as Chevy of Clan Redeem pointed out last week. He said that he’s always getting asked about what Shader he uses on his weapons, and apparently it’s now available for us all to purchase. The Shader is called Atmospheric Glow, and thankfully we’ve got some images from Chevy’s Twitter to share below. Check them out and read on for more details.

Atmospheric Glow will cost you 40 Bright Dust, which isn’t that much when you consider that you should be dismantling all of your Eververse items, the unused ones, anyway. 40 Bright Dust is what you’ll get from dismantling eight Shaders. However, you get 500 Bright Dust when you dismantle larger items like Sparrows and Ghost Shells, most of which you can reclaim from collections. If you’re sitting on that one Sparrow, not Micro Mini, that you love but never use, and can retrieve if you want to from your collections, do yourself a favour and get rid of it for this.
This article comes out the day before the weekly reset, so you’ve only really got a couple of full days to pick up this Shader. I’ve just been messing around with it, and it looks really good on basically everything you could ever own. To purchase from your collection costs a further 40 Bright Dust, as well as 250 Glimmer, but that’s a small price to pay for your items looking amazing. I will say that you shouldn’t apply a new shader once you’ve put it on a weapon or piece of armour, since it’ll be deleted.
Atmospheric Glow was added with Season of Opulence, but it looks like it would fit beautifully with Shadowkeep due to its intense Hive feel. The green and black tones really do make it look like you’re using all kinds of mad Hive-inspired technology, and that’s without Shadowkeep even released yet.
With Armour 2.0 coming out on the 1st of October, it’s going to be more important than ever to look good, particularly if you want to win those Destiny 2 fashion shows every month. I can’t really see a reason not to buy this Shader today, unless you don’t enjoy looking good.
Let us know if you picked up Atmospheric Glow in the comments.