Destiny News
What To Expect in the Season of the Chosen

Following the events of the Season of the Hunt, we’ve stepped back into war with the Cabal. With new threats rising across the system, are the Guardians ready to take on enemies on three fronts? Let’s take a look at what today’s reveal trailer put on the table for the Season of the Chosen.
A New Story
The system is destabilized following the arrival of the Pyramids and the onslaught of Xivu Arath’s High Celebrant. Empress Caiatl, the daughter of Emperor Calus and last mentioned on the Destiny News Hub in my article “A Looming Threat”, has summoned Commander Zavala and Osiris to form an alliance against our common foes. Things don’t go so well when Caiatl demands that Zavala and the Last City bow to her. Now our guardians must enter the Battlegrounds of the Cabal and prove we’re not to be messed with.
H. E. L. M.

H.E.L.M. Is the Vanguard’s new staging ground. This war table will come equipped with everything the guardians of the last city need to combat the Cabal incursions. Zavala will also provide guardians with the hammer of proving to help aid in their assault.

The Seasonal activity provided with the Season of the Chosen is called Battlegrounds. Battlegrounds is a 3-player match made experience that puts guardians against waves of Cabal incursions leading up to a head to head fight with Caiatl’s Chosen Warriors. Starting next Tuesday guardians can enter the Behemoth and Hailstone battlegrounds. On February 16th the Cleansing Battleground opens, and on February 23rd the Oracle Battleground opens.
Vanguard Strikes

After Beyond Light destroyed the strike playlist by removing several of its locations, season 14 brings out two returning strikes and one new strike. Return to the Cosmodrome next Tuesday and take out the Fallen S.A.B.E.R. as well as venturing back into the Devil’s Lair to destroy their Prime Servitor, Sepiks Prime. On March 23rd, Season Pass holders will receive early access to the Proving Grounds, a strike that pits guardians against Cabal once more, and on March 30th the Proving Grounds will open up to all Guardians.
Exotics & Gear

With the season pass comes a new exotic bow, Ticuu’s Divination. Ticuu’s Divination is a solar bow that shoots multiple arrows at once that can track down several enemies at once. A new exotic quest brandishing the Tex Mechanica logo has also been spotted into the Season of the Chosen. Will this weapon be something new or will another classic be brought from the content vault? Alongside these exotics 25 new weapons will enter the loot pool.

New armor also comes in this seasonal upscale in the forms of Trials of Osiris and the seasonal Praefectus Armor set. Umbral Engrams also make their return with more customization options than ever.
Stasis & More
New stasis aspects become available starting February 9th. More lost sectors also receive the legendary and master treatment as Champions move to the Moon this season.
The Guardian Games return. Starting April 20th, Guardians will once more compete in the Olympic-sequence tournament to see which class reigns superior(RIP Hunters). Alongside the games come the return of the Heir Apparent which can be earned during the event. The Guardian Games closing ceremony will be May 7th through 9th this year and will help conclude the season by May 11th.

Are you ready for the Season of the Chosen? What excites you the most about the Cabal Battlegrounds? The season reveal trailer is linked below for those who missed it today