Destiny News
Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer is Looking Good

Yesterday, Bungie officially revealed what Season 14 in Destiny 2 is going to be, Season of the Splicer. It’s a pretty complicated set up, but the important thing is that the theories everyone had are basically spot on for once. This doesn’t happen often, but when it does it feels great. I couldn’t be happier for all the Guardians involved in identifying the season early. Do yourself a favor and check out the trailer now before your mind explodes.
As you can see, there’s a lot going on here. Let’s break it all down a bit so that you can understand it though.
First, the season is all about the Vex somehow getting one of their simulations to cover Earth. That, or every Guardian has become trapped in a simulation. I’m not quite sure on this one, but the sun doesn’t rise anymore. This is something that happens in one of the potential Vex futures, and it seems like it’s now actually happened.
This future doesn’t seem to be something that the Vex have control over though, at least not fully. We’re battling them, but we’re also heading down into some sort of depths to stop a machine that’s bringing the reality to life. It sounds to me like there’s a blending of technology here, and the Vex are in way over their heads.
That’s why Guardians are teaming up with a Splicer, one of the last known ones in the field. They can commune with machines, making them perfect for helping Guardians talk to the machine that’s stopping the sunrise and hopefully, helping them prevent it.
With time being all messed up, we’ve got a couple of new time-based activities to take on. The Vault of Glass is also making a triumphant return, and there will be a new Race for World First and all that good stuff.
Based on what we’ve seen so far, I’m pretty excited for this season. There’s yet another friendly enemy variant that we can work with, and I expect the story to be just as good as that of Season of the Chosen. I really do think that Bungie has hit its stride with storytelling in Destiny 2 now, and I can’t wait to see what side stuff we get to see in this season.
We’ll be covering more about the season over the next week or so up until launch. Let us know what you want to know in the comments.