Destiny News
Destiny 2 On Track For 2017 Release

An Activision Investor Slideshow has confirmed that Destiny 2 is on track to be released this year. During a Q&A session it was then also confirmed that the game will be released in Fall, or Autumn.
The original Destiny released in September, so a September release date for Destiny 2 would seem fitting if that’s what Activision is going for. This release slot is after the summer lull, when people are desperate for new games after E3 a few months before, and before the Holiday rush of releases that compete for Christmas present space.
The investor slideshow also spoke of on-going content development plans, which mean that expansions will be coming thick and fast for Destiny 2. Thanks to the new engine the game is being built in, making it easier for Bungie to develop new content, we can expect more live events from the team in addition to full content expansion such as The Taken King.
Many are sceptical about the release schedule for this year however, because of the nature of publisher and developer relationships. A report was released by Kotaku saying that Activision would gain control of a percentage of Bungie stock if Destiny 2 did not hit the 2017 release window. Activision has since come forward and denied the report, saying that no partner stands to gain Bungie stock in the event of a missed release date.
Activision has around three large studios helping Bungie work on Destiny 2, also according to Kotaku. The game is coming to five consoles, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Scorpio, Playstation 4 Pro, and PC, meaning there’s a lot of work that has to go into developing it. To make Destiny 2 work across all these platforms, and work with each other for PVP, Strikes, Raids, and milling around in the social areas, the game needs to be compatible across each platform. Currently Destiny doesn’t allow players to compete across Playstation and Xbox consoles, hopefully that will change with Destiny 2 and allow all players to both see each other and compete with each other. This kind of compatibility is what will push Destiny 2 from the level the original game is at now, to beyond the level of games such as Overwatch.
Image Source: Reddit