Season Of Dawn: Q And A With Brother Vance
With new events rolling out on Mercury, the staff at Destiny News Hub was hoping to catch Osiris or the mythical Saint-14 for a quick interview. However, one is far too busy and the other doesn’t technically exist, so we approached another source for a better view of the Season of Dawn.

With new events rolling out on Mercury, the staff at Destiny News Hub was hoping to catch Osiris or the mythical Saint-14 for a quick interview. However, one is far too busy and the other doesn’t technically exist, so we approached another source for a better view of the Season of Dawn.

Avraham: Glad to have you here.
Brother Vance: A good day to you, Guardian.
Avraham: How has the lighthouse been?
Brother Vance: Brighter with the knowledge that Osiris is near.
Avraham: I heard that you were kind of a big fan of his.
Brother Vance: Who wouldn’t be? He’s only the most accomplished scholar the system has ever seen. And now that he is back, perhaps I shall have a chance to collaborate with him.
Avraham: Collaborate?
Brother Vance: On my new scripture: “Vance and Osiris: Intellects of the Ages.”
Avraham: Sounds like an… interesting read.
Brother Vance: You wouldn’t care to hear the teachings of Osiris… would you?
Avraham: No thanks, I’m Catholic. Back to Mercury, have you seen any ripples in time due to the Vex activity?
Brother Vance: Well, I can’t really speak of such things, but there have been many new Guardians running around. Funny, I never remembered so many sparrows out and about.
Avraham: And the Sundial?
Brother Vance: Such a breathtaking invention! I’ve written 12 volumes on its creation already, not to mention Osiris’ wit.
Avraham: Glad to hear it. I know it’s been pretty essential to bringing Saint-14 back.
Brother Vance’s expression suddenly went sour.
Brother Vance: I suppose.
Avraham: … what do you think of S –
Brother Vance: Saint-14? An accomplished Titan, yes. But…
Avraham: But what?
Brother Vance: I’d think Osiris would want to work with someone more… devoted.
Avraham: Saint – 14 does seem to be working closely with Osiris.
Brother Vance: He should be searching for someone intelligent, at least.
Avraham: What do you –
Brother Vance: But no, he doesn’t choose his best servant, he works with some filthy Titan whose idea of ingenuity is a swift headbutt!
Avraham: Maybe we’ve hit some sort of nerve he-
Brother Vance: I’ve worked for years as his servant! Recruiting new followers, recording his works… but all he cares about his precious little Saint-14!
Avraham: I’m not sure w-
Brother Vance: Maybe if I had become a Guardian he would think more of me, but apparently years of scholarly work does not compare to someone who can make a giant bubble!
From here on, Brother Vance kept yelling, so I thought it was a better idea to leave through the portal. I think he made his opinions pretty clear.
Image Source: ArtStation, LightGG