Get Your Hands On Salvager’s Salvo In Destiny 2 As Soon As Possible
Get this sweet pinnacle weapon and be happy forever

Regardless of whether you have the season pass for Season of the Chosen or not, every Guardian can get Salvager’s Salvo from day one in Destiny 2. All you need to do is complete the extremely grindy quest. This is a deliberate grind, but once you’ve got it you can start earning all the sweet wraps for this incredible weapon.
Last season we had Adored, a brilliant sniper rifle that actually gave me tens of hours of excuses to play Destiny 2. I loved grinding out the quests for each wrap because it focused my attention. Season of the Chosen has a couple of things to do that with, but Salvager’s Salvo is the best of them.
Let’s look at this weapon’s stats just to see what makes it so damn good.
- Blast Radius – 55
- Velocity – 82
- Stability – 42
- Handling – 96
- Reload Speed – 73
- Rounds per Minute – 90
- Magazine – 1
Hidden Stats
- Aim Assistance – 70
- Inventory Size – 70
- Recoil Direction – 75
- Zoom – 13
While these are above average on paper, they’re not what makes this a fantastic weapon. Those are the perks.
- Quick Launch Launcher Barrel – Increases projectile speed and greatly increases handling speed.
- Spike Grenades Magazine – Increases stability.
- Trait Slot 1: Ambitious Assassin – Overflows magazine based on the number of rapid kills.
- Trait Slot 1: Demolitionist – Kills generate grenade energy, and using your grenade reloads the weapon.
- Trait Slot 2: Vorpal Weapon – Increases damage against bosses, Guardians with a super active, and vehicles.
- Trait Slot 2: Chain Reaction – Every final blow creates an elemental explosion.
Now you should be able to see why this weapon is so great. My perfect loadout would be to use Demolitionist in the Trait 1 slot, and Chain Reaction in Trait Slot 2. Combined, these are perfect for my play style, and I’ll be using them as soon as I’ve completed the quest to get this spicy new grenade launcher.
I’ve seen a lot of people calling this The Mountaintop 2.0. I’m not so certain of that myself. sure, it’s going to be powerful, and it’ll shift the meta in Crucible back towards grenade launchers, but it’s not so overpowered that Bungie will take it down in a week. This is a weapon that will be a mainstay all year.
Let us know what you think of Salvager’s Salvo in the comments.