How To Gain Additional Progress On Your Solstice Armour
Don’t waste time doing it wrong, this is the quick way to upgrade all three sets of Solstice armour.

Solstice of Heroes 2020 is upon us, bringing with it three full sets of armour to upgrade. We’ve put a guide together for how to do that here. If you’re a collector, as pretty much every Guardian is, you’ll be wanting to fully upgrade all three sets of armour, one for your Hunter, one for the Titan, and one for the Warlock. However, that’s going to take some doing. But what if I told you we have a sneaky way to speed up the whole process?
Gain Progress Faster
Over on Reddit, some Guardians discovered a mechanic that’s in play in Solstice of Heroes 2020. It seems as though you gain additional progress towards the Solstice of Heroes armour on other Classes once you’ve already completely upgraded a single set.
The Guardian community took to Twitter, and every other form of communication we have, to try and see if this is true. The answer is extremely satisfying.
So here we have it. If you complete your main Class first, which should be Hunter, then you’ll gain +1x progress to completing the armour on your Warlock and Titan.
I think that this is a brilliant mechanic to have in place. First, because Bungie can plainly see from their data that all Guardians try to upgrade every Class armour as much as possible. It can be a real grind, and incredibly disappointing if you manage to miss out because you were taking too much time with one specific armour set’s objectives.
Second, Bungie wants more Guardians playing the game. This mechanic is an incentive to keep pushing and upgrade every armour set as much as you can. I really can’t think of a better way to convince more Guardians to get back into, and play, Destiny 2 right now.
The thing I love most about this mechanic is that it almost certainly means that we’re going to be seeing that Solstice glow for the entirety of Year 4. I can’t see any Guardian who has the glow not using it, because I’m going to use it on every piece of armour I have for as long as it’s viable.
Let us know what you think of this mechanic in the comments.
Image Source: Gamepur
August 13, 2020 at 2:03 pm
The only bad thing is that completing the armour doesn’t mw it. That sucks!
no thanks
August 14, 2020 at 5:36 pm
so what does it do when you finish it?