How Do Seraph Tower Public Events Work?
With Season of the Worthy now in full swing, it’s high time someone outlined exactly how Seraph Towers work. These are the new Public Events in Destiny 2, and it’s not exactly clear what you need to do right away. You come across the event as part of the starting quest for the season, but unless a friend has told you what to do, it’s really quite difficult to understand.

With Season of the Worthy now in full swing, it’s high time someone outlined exactly how Seraph Towers work. These are the new Public Events in Destiny 2, and it’s not exactly clear what you need to do right away. You come across the event as part of the starting quest for the season, but unless a friend has told you what to do, it’s really quite difficult to understand.
How Do Seraph Towers Work In Destiny 2 Season Of The Worthy?
Seraph Towers are Public Events that Guardians need to complete in order to earn the consumables that will allow them to upgrade Rasputin’s Bunkers. They’re clearly marked on destination maps, so they’re not hard to find. What we’re going to make clear now is the exact process of completing one of these new events.
First, the Seraph Tower will activate and start to attract enemies. It’s important to kill as many enemies as you can, but you really need to keep them clear of the current tower that is active. The active tower is indicated via an in-game prompt, but it’s also quite obvious since it’ll be glowing orange and generally looking angry.
You need to keep the tower’s plate clear of enemies, and I find it best to actually stand on the plate as well. Don’t worry, even though it looks like the tower is heating up and might kill you, it won’t. The more Guardians on the plate, or around the tower, when it charges up, the more orbs it will drop when it’s fully charged.
You need to grab these orbs and throw them at the large orange one that’s slowly moving from the active tower to the main structure of the Seraph Tower event. This will push the orange blob along the path to the main structure, and once it’s there it will add progress to the event.
You can pick up the orbs and throw them in mid-air. They’ll also home in on the large orange blob, so just chuck them in the general direction of that blob and you should add progress.
The enemies for these events are tough, so anyone just starting out in Season of the Worthy is going to have a hard time initially. My best advice is to persevere. You may not get the first few events complete, but you’ll still receive rewards that you can upgrade the EDZ Rasputin Bunker with.
If you’re finding the Seraph Tower event particularly difficult, spend some time doing bounties for Rasputin, you can get them from the Bunker, and upgrade the Bunker with a few perks for Seraph Tower events. This should make the next attempt a lot easier.
Let us know if you’re still struggling, or have mastered, Seraph Towers in the comments.
Image Source: ShackNews