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Ultimate Destiny 2 Guardian Gear Tier Lists

Ultimate Destiny 2 Guardian Gear Tier Lists

Attention Guardians! Assemble your Destiny 2“>fireteams

and stock up on your favorite‍ snacks, because we’re diving into⁣ the ultimate Destiny ​2‍ Guardian Gear Tier Lists! ​From exotic helmets that make you look like a futuristic space cowboy ⁤to ​boots that literally make you walk on‌ air, we’re ranking all the gear ⁤that will ⁣make you⁣ the envy of the Tower. So‌ grab your Ghost and let’s see where your favorite pieces of armor rank in the world⁣ of⁤ intergalactic fashion and functionality. Let the battle of the best-dressed Guardians‌ begin!

Key⁢ Factors to Consider in Guardian Gear‍ Tier⁤ Lists

When creating a‍ guardian gear tier list, there are a few ⁤key factors that you ‌absolutely must consider. Trust me, you don’t‍ want to end up with a subpar guardian who is rocking ⁣last⁤ season’s fashion trends. ⁣So, grab your notebook and⁢ get‌ ready⁣ to take ‌some notes!

First and foremost, you need to think about the practicality of the ​gear. Sure, those shiny, spiked⁤ shoulder pads may look intimidating, but are they going to get in the way during ​battle? You need gear that not only looks cool ‍but also helps your guardian ⁤perform at⁤ their best. Remember, fashion should never come at the expense of functionality!

Next, consider the versatility ​of⁤ the gear. Can your guardian easily switch between different sets of armor⁣ for different situations? A guardian who​ is stuck wearing the same outfit all⁢ the time is like⁢ a warrior fighting ⁣with one hand tied behind their back. Make‍ sure ⁣your gear is adaptable and can handle ⁣whatever challenges come your‌ way.

Lastly, don’t forget ‍to take into‍ account the overall⁢ aesthetic of the gear. After all, ‌who ⁢wants a ‌guardian who looks like a walking fashion disaster? You‌ want ​your guardian​ to strike​ fear into the hearts of their ‌enemies while also looking fabulous. So,‍ make sure to prioritize gear⁢ that not only boosts stats but​ also turns heads on the battlefield.

Top Tier Weapons for ‍Each Guardian Class

Titans: The Titans⁢ are known for their​ brute strength and love for heavy hitting weapons. Here are some top tier weapons for Titans:

  • Mountaintop: This grenade​ launcher is perfect for Titans who want to rain down explosive justice on⁢ their enemies. With its high⁤ blast‍ radius ⁢and damage output, Titans can easily clear out waves of enemies​ with ‍just a few shots.
  • One-Eyed ​Mask: While technically an ⁢exotic armor piece, the One-Eyed Mask is a must-have for⁣ Titans looking to dominate in the Crucible. Its ability to mark and track‌ enemies who damage ​you, as well as provide a damage boost when you defeat them, makes it a powerful tool in the right hands.
  • Thunderlord: This heavy machine gun is a favorite among Titans for‌ its high damage output and⁢ lightning-fast rate of fire. ⁤Titans can mow down hordes ‌of enemies with ease using this beast of a weapon.

Hunters: Hunters are known for their agility and precision, so it’s ⁢no⁤ surprise⁤ that their top tier ⁢weapons focus on quick kills ​and accuracy. Here are some must-have weapons for Hunters:

  • The ‍Last Word: This hand cannon is perfect for Hunters who like to get up close and personal with⁣ their​ enemies. With its fan-firing action and ‍high damage⁣ output, Hunters can quickly ⁢take down opponents in the blink of an eye.
  • Recluse: This submachine⁣ gun is a favorite among Hunters for ⁢its⁤ rapid-fire capabilities and ability ⁢to shred through enemies with ease. Hunters can ‍clear out entire rooms of enemies in seconds using this weapon.
  • Whisper of the Worm: This sniper rifle is a must-have for Hunters looking to take down tough⁢ bosses with precision.‍ With its high damage output and ability to generate ammo on precision ‌hits,⁢ Hunters⁤ can ⁣keep the pressure on even the most formidable foes.

Warlocks: Warlocks are known for their mastery of ‌the arcane and love for powerful ‌magical weapons. Here are some top‍ tier ​weapons for Warlocks:

  • Lunas Howl: This hand ​cannon is a favorite among Warlocks for⁣ its⁤ unique ⁢perk that grants bonus damage after a precision hit.‌ Warlocks can quickly take down⁤ enemies with this weapon and chain together kills effortlessly.
  • Telesto: This fusion ⁤rifle is perfect for Warlocks ‍who enjoy a bit of explosive ‍mayhem. With its ⁤ability to create detonating projectiles, Warlocks ⁣can clear out groups of enemies with a single shot.
  • Outbreak Perfected: This pulse ‍rifle is ⁣a must-have for Warlocks looking to stack up⁣ damage over time. With its ability to create SIVA nanites⁢ on precision hits, Warlocks can keep the pressure on enemies and deal massive damage over extended engagements.

Best Armor Sets ​for PvE ⁣Play in Destiny ⁢2

So, you want to dominate⁢ in PvE play in⁣ Destiny ⁤2? Well, look no further than these killer armor sets that will have you feeling like a legendary Guardian in no time!

First up, we have ⁤the Raiden Flux set for Hunters. This set boosts your Arc staff super ability, allowing you to ​dish out some serious damage to your enemies. Plus, it looks pretty ⁢sleek, so you’ll be the⁢ envy of your ‍fireteam.

Next, Titans should check ​out the One-Eyed Mask set. This bad ⁢boy gives you a damage bonus when you defeat an enemy that has inflicted damage ‌on you. It’s like getting revenge⁢ on your foes while looking totally badass.

And last but not least, Warlocks can’t go wrong with​ the Lunafaction Boots set. These boots increase the reload speed of your weapons when you step ⁤in and out of your ⁢rift. ‌Talk about a game changer! Your fireteam will thank you for keeping those bullets flying.

Guardian Gear Tier List for Crucible PvP Matches

So ⁤you think you’re ⁣the ‍ultimate Guardian ‌in the Crucible, huh? Well, let me​ just say, ⁣it takes more than just fancy armor and a ⁤shiny weapon ​to dominate in those PvP matches. You’ve got to have the right⁣ gear equipped if ⁤you want⁣ to⁤ climb to the top⁢ of the tier list.

First off,⁤ let’s⁣ talk about the S-tier gear. We’re⁢ talking about the cream of the crop, the ‍best of the best. This ‍gear will make you feel like a god among Guardians. ⁤We’re talking‌ about exotics like ​the One-Eyed Mask for Titans, the Shinobu’s Vow for Hunters, and the⁣ Transversive Steps for Warlocks.⁢ Equip⁤ these bad boys, and you’ll be unstoppable.

Now, let’s move on to the‍ A-tier gear. These pieces are still pretty ‍darn good, but they just ​don’t quite have the same oomph as the S-tier gear. You’ll⁤ still be‌ able⁢ to hold your own in the⁢ Crucible with gear like the Lion Rampant for Titans, the Lucky Raspberry for ⁢Hunters, and⁣ the Nezarec’s⁤ Sin for Warlocks.

And finally, we have ‍the B-tier gear. It’s not terrible, but⁣ it’s definitely not going to give you that edge‍ you need to dominate in Crucible matches. Think ⁣of gear like ‌the Doomfang Pauldron for Titans, the Fr0st-EE5 for ⁢Hunters, and the Eye⁣ of Another World for Warlocks. It’s decent gear, but don’t expect to⁣ be carrying your team with it.

How⁣ to Maximize Your Guardian’s Power with Tier Lists

Want⁤ to make sure your Guardian is a force to be reckoned with in your⁣ favorite game? Look no further than tier ⁣lists to⁣ help ​you‍ maximize their‍ power!

First things‍ first, always keep‍ in mind⁤ that tier lists are just a general guideline and not the be-all⁣ and end-all of how you‍ should play. ⁤That being said, they can still be‌ a helpful tool in ‌boosting your Guardian’s capabilities. Here’s ​how:

  • S-Tier⁢ Strategies: When it comes to⁣ tier lists, don’t ⁣be afraid to aim for the top. Focus on utilizing strategies and upgrades that are considered S-Tier for your Guardian. This ⁣will give you a leg up on the competition and ensure your Guardian⁣ is always at their best.
  • Balance ⁢is Key: While aiming for S-Tier is ⁤important, don’t forget about balance. It’s crucial to have a well-rounded build that covers all your Guardian’s weaknesses. Make sure ⁤to ⁤mix and match upgrades ⁣to create a versatile and ⁣powerful Guardian.
  • Stay Updated: Tier lists are‍ constantly evolving, so make sure to stay up-to-date on the latest rankings. Keep tabs on any ⁢changes‌ in the meta and adjust your strategies ‍accordingly to keep ⁢your Guardian at the​ top of their‌ game.

A Closer‌ Look at Exotic Gear Rankings in Destiny 2

When it comes to ranking exotic gear in⁤ Destiny 2, it’s important to remember that not all​ exotics are created equal. Some​ are like a fine wine, aging gracefully with time, while others are more like a moldy‌ piece of cheese that should have been thrown out ages ago.

Let’s take a‍ closer look at some ⁢of the ‍top contenders for exotic gear rankings in Destiny 2. First ​up, ​we have the‍ Wardcliff Coil.⁢ This beauty of a rocket launcher is perfect for those moments⁢ when you⁢ just need to make a ⁢big boom and watch the enemy scatter like cockroaches in the light. It may⁤ not be the most subtle weapon, but who‌ needs‌ subtlety when you have a launcher that shoots a volley of ⁤rockets in⁣ one go?

Next⁣ on our list is the Mountaintop Grenade​ Launcher. This⁣ exotic weapon ⁤is a​ favorite among players ​who ‍love a good challenge. Sure, it may take some finesse to master the art of launching grenades like a pro, but once you get the hang​ of it, you’ll be unstoppable.

And last but⁤ not‌ least, let’s talk about the One Thousand ‍Voices. This fusion rifle is like a secret weapon that only the elite guardians ⁣know about. ⁣With its⁣ powerful beam of energy that can ⁣vaporize‍ enemies in seconds, it’s no​ wonder ‍that this exotic gear ranks ‌high on‍ the list of must-have ⁢weapons in Destiny 2.


How do I determine which gear is the best for my Guardian‌ in Destiny 2?

Well, it all ​depends on your play style and what activities you enjoy the most. However, typically gear that boosts your power level and enhances your preferred weapon types are a safe bet.

What are⁢ some must-have pieces of gear⁤ for a Guardian‍ in Destiny ‍2?

Some fan favorites ⁢include the Whisper of the Worm ⁣exotic sniper rifle, Orpheus Rig Hunter boots,⁣ and One-Eyed Mask Titan helmet. ‍These pieces can really make you stand⁤ out in a crowd of Guardians.

Are there any ‌underrated​ gear pieces that I should⁢ consider adding to my Guardian’s loadout?

Absolutely! The Sturm and⁣ Drang⁤ combo for ​the​ Warlock can be a‍ deadly​ duo when used correctly. ​And don’t sleep ⁤on the Wormhusk Crown Hunter ⁤helmet –⁢ it can really save your⁢ hide in​ a pinch.

What should I prioritize⁤ when creating my Guardian gear ‍tier list?

Power ⁣level and synergy with your subclass should be top ⁢priorities. You want to make sure ⁣you’re maximizing your strengths and covering your weaknesses when it comes to gear selection.

Is it worth grinding for specific ‌gear pieces if they’re not⁤ at the top of the ⁤tier‌ list?

If you enjoy⁤ using a certain piece of gear, then absolutely! Remember, it’s all about ​having fun and playing the way you want to play. Tier lists are just guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules.

Gear up, Guardians!

And there you have ‌it – the ultimate tier lists for⁣ Guardian ⁢gear in⁢ Destiny 2. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran​ or a newbie just starting out, use these rankings to become the ultimate Guardian in the‌ galaxy. Remember, fashion is ‌just as ⁣important as functionality in the world⁣ of Destiny,⁤ so ​choose your gear wisely. ‌Happy hunting,⁣ Guardians!

I am a writer and Destiny 1 and 2 player. Love boxing, biking, running, and Whitman. Will never stop punching thrall, and will always mourn Gjallarhorn.

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