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Comprehensive Guide: Destiny 2 PvP and PvE Tier Lists

Comprehensive Guide: Destiny 2 PvP and PvE Tier Lists

Welcome, Guardians, to the⁣ ultimate guide for all things​ Destiny 2PvP and PvETier Lists! Whether you’re a seasoned veteran ⁣or just dipping‍ your⁣ toes​ into the world of Guardians and aliens, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate⁢ the tumultuous waters of⁢ Destiny ⁢2’s competitive and⁢ cooperative‍ gameplay.‌ Get ready to ​laugh, cry,‍ and maybe even throw your controller in frustration‌ as‌ we dive into the ever-changing world of ‌Tier Lists ⁣in the Destiny universe. ‍So buckle ⁣up, grab your favorite⁣ weapon, and let’s⁤ jump into the chaos ⁢together!

List⁤ of Top Tier PvP Weapons‍ in Destiny 2

Looking to dominate in PvP⁣ in Destiny 2? Well, you’ll need ‌the right weapons to do so! Here are some ⁣of ⁤the top tier PvP weapons ⁣that will have your opponents ‌running for cover:

  • Hard Light: This‌ auto rifle is like the ​Swiss Army⁢ knife of Destiny 2. ⁣It can switch between elemental damage types⁣ at a moment’s ⁣notice,‍ making it a versatile⁣ weapon for any​ situation.
  • Mindbender’s ​Ambition: Love shotguns? ​Then this is the weapon for you. With its high impact and range, you can easily take out⁤ enemies from a distance and put⁢ an end ‍to any sneaky flanking attempts.
  • The Last Word: For ​those who prefer ‌a more western style of​ combat, this hand cannon is perfect for quickdraw duels. Its high rate of fire and⁤ hip-fire accuracy make it deadly in close-quarters engagements.

Don’t forget ⁢to⁣ pair these weapons with the right perks and mods for maximum⁣ effectiveness.‌ And remember, practice makes perfect! So get out there, Guardian, ⁤and ‍show‍ your opponents who’s​ boss in ⁢the Crucible!

Best Subclasses​ for PvP ​in Destiny ​2

Looking to‌ dominate in PvP⁤ in Destiny 2? Well, look no further ‍because we’ve got the inside scoop on the best subclasses to⁢ use in ‌the Crucible. ⁢These subclasses ‌will have ‌your enemies running‍ for the ⁤hills (or respawning, rather) and‍ have you​ racking up those sweet, sweet kill streaks.

First ‌up, we have the Arcstrider. This subclass for ‌Hunters is all about agile movement and quick strikes. With abilities ⁤like​ Lightning Reflexes and Deadly Reach, you’ll be zipping around the map like a lightning-fast ninja, taking⁤ out your foes​ before they even know what hit them.

Next, we have the Dawnblade for Warlocks. This subclass ⁢is ‍all about raining down⁢ fiery destruction on​ your enemies from above. With ​abilities ⁢like⁢ Phoenix Dive ​and Igniting Touch, you’ll⁤ have your​ opponents⁢ burning up⁣ in no time. ⁤Just make sure to⁤ watch out for those pesky snipers while you’re up in the air!

And last but certainly not least, we have the Striker for Titans. This subclass is all about ⁣brute force and overwhelming power. With abilities ⁢like​ Shoulder Charge ⁢ and Fist of Havoc, you’ll‍ be⁣ smashing your enemies ‌into ‌oblivion with‌ ease. Just remember to channel your inner‌ Hulk and smash responsibly!

Top Armor Sets for PvP⁢ in Destiny ‌2

Looking to dominate ⁢in PvP in ‌Destiny 2?⁤ Look​ no further than ​these⁢ top armor sets‍ that will give you the⁢ edge you need to ⁢outlast and outgun your opponents.

  • Wild Hunt Armor ‌Set: ⁤ This set not only looks stylish but also provides excellent bonuses‍ for ⁢PvP. Boosting your mobility and resilience, ⁤you’ll be able⁤ to zip around the map⁢ dodging bullets and⁣ taking⁣ hits ⁢like ‍a champ. Plus,⁢ the extra ammo reserves for primary⁤ weapons ​will​ keep ⁢you stocked up for ⁤those intense firefights.
  • Phoenix Strife Armor Set: ⁣Calling all Titans,⁢ this ‍armor ​set‌ is a must-have for PvP. With enhanced​ resilience and‍ recovery, you’ll‌ be⁣ able to tank damage and bounce back quickly to⁣ keep fighting. The increased⁤ grenade throw‌ distance will allow ​you to hit⁢ your targets from afar⁤ and the ​ability energy on melee kills ‌will keep your abilities⁣ charged up for ‍maximum carnage.
  • Dragon’s Shadow Armor Set: ​ Hunters, get ready to strike ⁢swiftly ⁤and ‌invisibly with the Dragon’s Shadow set. Boosting your​ mobility and granting⁢ increased handling and reload speed after a dodge, you’ll be a ninja on the battlefield. Combine that with ​the ‍ability​ to reload all⁤ weapons⁤ after ‍dodging and you’ll be a force ​to be reckoned ‌with.

Top PvE ⁢Weapons for ​Destiny ⁤2

Ready ⁤to dominate the PvE scene in Destiny 2? Look no further than ‌these powerhouse weapons that will have ‍you taking down enemies​ like a true Guardian.

First up, ​we have the Wendigo GL3, a grenade launcher that packs a ⁤serious punch. With explosive rounds and​ the ability ‍to generate orbs of light with‍ multikills, this ‍weapon is a must-have ‍for any PvE player⁢ looking to deal massive damage.

Next​ on our⁢ list is the ⁢ Riskrunner, an ‍exotic submachine gun that shocks enemies with​ lightning‍ damage⁤ when taking arc damage. ‌Not only does it look cool, but it’s also incredibly effective at⁢ mowing down hordes‌ of enemies in a flash.

And finally, ​we ​can’t forget about the Whisper of ⁢the Worm, an exotic‍ sniper rifle that deals massive damage with precision shots. Its unique perk, White Nail, allows you to ⁣refill the magazine ​instantly after landing three consecutive precision‍ hits, making it the perfect weapon ⁤for⁤ taking down powerful bosses.

Best⁣ Subclasses for ‌PvE in Destiny 2

If you ⁣want‌ to‍ dominate in PvE content in Destiny 2, picking the⁤ right subclass is⁢ key.‌ Here are ‍some of the best subclasses ‌that will make you unstoppable:

  • Hunter‍ – Nightstalker
  • Warlock – Stormcaller
  • Titan – ⁢Sunbreaker

With the Nightstalker subclass, Hunters can disappear⁣ into the shadows ​and pick off enemies from a⁢ distance ​with their​ trusty bow. The invisibility ⁣comes‍ in handy when⁤ you need ⁢to make a ⁣quick escape ​or revive‌ a‍ teammate without‍ getting‍ shot in the face.

Warlocks who choose ‌the Stormcaller subclass are basically walking tesla coils, zapping‌ everything ‍in sight with their ⁣lightning‌ powers. Those pesky ​hordes of enemies⁤ won’t stand a chance against your electrifying‍ attacks.

Titans who go with ‌the Sunbreaker subclass​ become⁣ living fireballs, hurling explosive hammers at ​their foes and setting them ablaze. It’s like playing a ‍game of catch, except your “ball” explodes⁢ on impact ⁣and incinerates anything in its ​path.


In the fast-paced world of PvP⁣ in Destiny 2,⁣ having the right gear can mean the ​difference between victory⁣ and defeat. When it⁢ comes to exotic gear, there are a few ‍options that ​stand ⁢out above the ‍rest. The‌ Sturm hand ​cannon is a⁣ reliable choice for those looking ⁢to dish out serious damage ⁤while also retaining ⁢some ⁣precision.‍ Pair it with​ the‌ Drang sidearm for a ⁤deadly combo ⁣that ⁢will ⁣have ‌your opponents running​ for cover.

For those who prefer to take a more stealthy approach, the ⁣Graviton Forfeit helmet is a must-have.‍ Its ability to⁣ extend the duration of your invisibility ​is invaluable in sneaking up on unsuspecting enemies. Combine ‌it ⁤with the Rat King ‌sidearm for an⁢ extra element of surprise and watch ​as your foes fall one by one.


When it​ comes to taking on ⁤the toughest ​challenges in PvE, having the ​right gear can make all ​the⁤ difference. The Riskrunner submachine gun is ​a ⁤top choice for those looking to mow down waves of⁢ enemies‌ with⁢ ease. Its ‍ability to chain⁤ lightning⁣ damage between foes makes it a powerhouse in crowded situations.‍ Pair it with the Sunshot hand cannon ⁢for ​some explosive⁢ results that‌ will leave your enemies in awe.

For those who prefer to take a⁢ more⁤ strategic approach, the Celestial Nighthawk helmet is a ⁤game⁢ changer. Its ability to convert Golden Gun into one powerful⁢ shot that ‌deals massive​ damage ‍is perfect for taking down tough bosses in one fell swoop. Combine it ⁢with the Whisper of the Worm sniper ​rifle for some‍ serious DPS that ‍will have your fireteam cheering you on. Give⁣ these exotics a try in‍ your next PvE adventure and watch as you become ‍a legend in no⁣ time.‌


What ​makes ⁣a good⁤ PvP Tier List in Destiny 2?

A good PvP Tier‌ List in Destiny 2‌ takes into account a Guardian’s ability to sling spells, shoot straight, and survive ⁤the chaos of battle. You want to rank ⁤your weapons and subclasses based on their effectiveness ⁣in⁣ the crucible‍ and their potential to dominate⁤ your opponents.

How can ⁢I improve my PvP gameplay in Destiny 2?

Improving your PvP gameplay in ‌Destiny 2 is all about ​honing your ⁤skills, mastering ⁢your ​loadout, and outsmarting ⁢your enemies. Practice‍ makes ​perfect, so get​ out there and start slaying in the crucible. And‍ remember, teamwork⁣ makes the ⁣dream work, so don’t be afraid to team up with your fellow Guardians.

What should I consider when putting‍ together a PvE ⁢Tier List in Destiny ​2?

When putting together a PvE Tier List in‌ Destiny 2, you want to focus on a Guardian’s ability to dish out ​damage, survive intense battles, and support ​their‍ fireteam.​ You’ll want to rank your weapons and subclasses based ⁤on ⁤their effectiveness in PvE⁣ activities like strikes, ⁢raids, and ⁣patrols.

How can I excel in PvE ⁢activities in Destiny 2?

To excel in PvE activities in Destiny 2, you’ll ‌need ‍to work ⁢on your coordination with‌ your fireteam, know your enemy’s weaknesses, and have ‌the right gear for​ the job. Communication is key, so make sure you’re working ⁤together ⁢to take down bosses and ⁢conquer challenges.

In Conclusion, ‌Time to Conquer Destiny 2!

And there you ‍have⁤ it, Guardians!​ Armed ​with this comprehensive guide to PvP​ and PvE tier lists, you are now ready to dominate the ​world of Destiny ⁣2.⁣ Whether you’re‌ breezing through Crucible matches or conquering challenging raids, remember to stay sharp, adapt your strategies, and ‌most importantly, have fun ‍along​ the​ way. So⁤ go forth, show off​ your ‌skills, and may the loot be ever in your favor! Happy hunting!

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